4 facts about the ancient Rama poisoner Lukast, whose poisons were poisoned by emperors


As a daughter of the sign, became the most famous and insidious poisongean in ancient Rome.

Lukasta was a dish

She was born in Gaul, in the family of the sign, and since childhood he was well versed in herbs. At first she was a disinense and helped fellow villagers. Then Lukasta moved to Rome - these were the times of Emperor Caliguly, when the knowledge of non-healing herbs was much more appreciated, but on the contrary, poisonous. By the way, here you can see the brief history of ancient Rome in just 20 minutes.

4 facts about the ancient Rama poisoner Lukast, whose poisons were poisoned by emperors 21610_1

Photo: DiSgustingmen.com.

She poisoned Emperor Claudia

After the death of Caligules, all states were pursued and imprisoned. Lukasta was also imprisoned, but he stayed there for long - the spouse of the new Emperor Claudia, Agrippina came to her. She asked Lukast to cook poison for her husband, and in return promised her freedom. Lukasta agreed, however, after investigating the death of the emperor, she was again put in prison - Agrippina was not particularly needed such a dangerous witness.

Lukasta became the court-winning poisoner of Nero

Lukuste was lucky again - she patronized the new emperor. Nero was not a native son of Claudia, and he wanted to make the heir of the younger son, the Briton. Therefore, with the death of Claudia he was lucky - he climbed the throne. I liked the idea quickly and efficiently with political rivals, and he brought to himself to Lukast to poison the Briton. She did it, and the emperor bestowed her estates and honors. By the way, it was only 16 nervous then, and a British - 14 (it would be better to watch Titstok).

4 facts about the ancient Rama poisoner Lukast, whose poisons were poisoned by emperors 21610_2

Nero and Lukasta are experiencing poison for a Briton at a slave. Photo: DiSgustingmen.com.

According to legend, Lukust executed through the rape of the giraffe

13 years old Lukasta enjoyed life, and then Nero died - he was going to execute him, but he forced his servant to kill himself before the people reached him. All of his minions, including Lukast, caught, spent around the city in chains and executed. According to the legend, the most insidious and dangerous poisoner Senate sentenced to the rape of the giraffe, and after the body, Lukasti broke off wild animals. True, most likely it's just perverted fiction - it sounds too insanely, and where to take the giraffe.

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