Swimming garlic in May: Ways to avoid problems with the help of proper feeding


Good afternoon, my reader. In the growing season of garlic, which passes late in spring, gardeners are often faced with the problem of the yellowing of the leaves. Most often it is the norm, but sometimes the reason lies in plant diseases or improper care.

Swimming garlic in May: Ways to avoid problems with the help of proper feeding 21600_1
Swimming garlic in May: Ways to avoid problems with the help of correct feeding Mary Verbilkova

The reasons for the yellowing of garlic leaves

There are several of them:
  • Stress plants caused by violations in growing technology.
  • Diseases, fungus (most frequent - white / bacterial rot, black mold, stem nematode or fuzariosis).
  • The plant is amazed by pests.

In the process of growing garlic, it is extremely important to observe the agrotechnik, because even a small deviation can lead to a defect, including the yellowing of the leaves.

Rules that should be observed

Avoid the emergence of the problem is quite simple. To do this, it is necessary:

  1. Conduct stealing wood ash in May before landing, since otherwise the soil can cry out due to the introduction of mineral additives and the lack of access to all nutrients.
  2. Comply with garlic landing technology, as well as use high-quality landing materials.
  3. Sat in season, not early and no later.
  4. Comply with the rules for the care of the plant (mulch in the case of autumn droughts, to strengthen the winter and others).
  5. Give the right timely feeding and watering.
  6. Do not make fresh manure as fertilizer!
Swimming garlic in May: Ways to avoid problems with the help of proper feeding 21600_2
Swimming garlic in May: Ways to avoid problems with the help of correct feeding Mary Verbilkova

Methods for the prevention of yellowing leaves

The fight against the yellowing of the leaves is better to start long before the bright manifestation of the problem - with proper feeding. Useful elements in which garlic needs is nitrogen and potassium, so it is worth paying attention to organic and mineral fertilizers containing them in the composition.

Types of fertilizer and method of their introduction:

  • Granulated (for example, the "carbamide"): A furrow is created with a depth of 2-2.5 cm between rows of garlic, the granules fall asleep inside, covered with soil and watering is produced.
  • Solution ("Fertility Suite", urea): Fertilizer is mixed with water in a ratio of 1 tbsp. l. 10 l, watered garlic once a week.
  • Organic (wood ash, infusion of bevelled grass): an extra-root method, introduction to the soil as an additional feeding.
Swimming garlic in May: Ways to avoid problems with the help of proper feeding 21600_3
Swimming garlic in May: Ways to avoid problems with the help of correct feeding Mary Verbilkova

Prevent possible problems, including the yellowing of the leaves, will help compliance with agrotechnology, timely watering and fertilizer. A professional and integrated approach to growing will give a guarantee of healthy and tasty harvest in the fall.

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