7 facts about Sofia Rotaru, who are few known

7 facts about Sofia Rotaru, who are few known 21598_1

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Sofia Rotaru is one of the most popular singers in Russia and in the countries of the former Soviet Union. During the years of creative career, she performed more than 500 songs in 10 languages. The successes of the artist can be listed for hours, but there are such facts in her biographies, which are not accepted about.

First experience

The first musical experience of the artist received when in his youth sang in church choir. Because of this, she often quarreled with peers and classmates who were members of the pioneer organization. She even wanted to deprive the pioneer rank. But despite all the problems in school, Sofia continued to attend the church and sing there.

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Not at all Rotaru

Sofia was born in Ukraine in a small village of Marinshais, now Chernivtsi region in the family Moldovan. Her father initially wore the name Rotaru and worked as a brigadier. In the family, except Sony, five more children were brought up.

Due to the fact that the Sofia village, in which Sofia grew up, until 1940 was considered part of Romania, the "y" part of the Rotaru gradually disappeared. The Rotar was called the Romanian Floor of all family members, which means "Kolesnik" translated. After the war, Sony's father, Mikhail Fedorovich, was forced to change the surname to Rotary, since the village passed into Ukraine. Sofia returned her initial option when he had already become popular. She was advised to do this for charity. Since then, she has become Rotaru, although in some credits to the films you can still meet Rotar.

Enhea with Priaudonna

It is believed that Rotaru with Pugacheva has always been stretched relationships. According to one of the versions, Priaudonna was climbed into Sofia for constantly had to be in the role of catching. Prizes and titles have always been the first to receive Sonya, although she was older than Alla for only two years. In addition, the singer debuted on the stage almost at one time, but Rotaru had already in 1973 he had the title of Honored Artist. Her concerts were held in the best halls of the country, and Alla continued to go with touring rural clubs. Before the premiere of the song "Arlekino" almost no one knew about her. The Honored Artist Pugachev became only in 1980.

According to another version of Alla, allegedly jealous of Sophia to his husbands - Kirkorov and then Galkin. Therefore, she provoked conflicts. Priaudonna did not invite Rotar to most of his musical events, although he understood that the fans would not like it. Almost more Alla was angry when the organizers of the concerts trusted the final songs to fulfill Sofia. It is possible that these are all rumors, but in fact two actipers laid well.

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One Love

Unlike other pop stars, there was only one man in Rotar life - Anatoly Evdokimenko. He saw the singer in the magazine "Ukraine", where her photos were printed after the victory in the Republican Festival, and immediately fell in love. Anatoly found the singer and called married. Sofia did not resist such a romantic gesture and replied to the fan of reciprocity. The couple scheduled in 1968. Lovers lived in a happy marriage of 34 years. The spouses were for each other a reliable support and powerful support in both work and in everyday life. Together they overcame difficulties and shared joy. In 2002, Evdokimenko died of a stroke on his hands at his wife. Sofia has repeatedly recognized that Anatoly often comes to her in dreams. She continues to live memories of the spouse and no longer wants to start new relationships. The only son of Sofia and Anatoly also was also lucky enough to meet his half and create a strong family. He called his children in honor of his parents.

Twice born

Artist has two birthdays that she notes. How is it possible? The thing is that it was born on August 7, 1947, and the passportist mistakenly recorded on August 9 in the documents. But this Sophia does not bother at all. She loves when she was congratulated twice a year. Why not? After all, you can hear twice the more pleasant words to your address and get a double number of gifts.

Everything could be different

Sofia Rotaru could be a successful athlete, not an artist. In childhood, she was fond of mild athletics and all-around. On the regional Olympics, held in Chernivtsi, Rotaru was first overcame a distance of 800 and 100 meters. In school, she became a champion in all-around. Sofia also tried herself as a starring. She herself performed tricks in the paintings "Where are you, love?" and "Monologue about love." Over the years, the artist still realized that her love for music was stronger than the desire to realize himself in the sports arena.

Staging or talent?

In the direction of Sofia Rotaru, the accusations were repelled that she sings on stage under the phonogram. Once Joseph Kobzon said in an interview that the singer would be brilliantly to fall under the pre-recorded material. Rotaru allegedly sings so that even professionals cannot distinguish with a living performance. Sofia herself never confessed what he stands for recording. Therefore, it is difficult to say, the truth is either the fiction of its ill-wishers.

Despite accusations, Sofia Rotaru still remains one of the most popular performers who conquered the hearts of millions of people with his unique voice.

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