The court in St. Petersburg banned the spread of the anime "Death Note" and "Tokyo Gul"


We are talking about distribution on sites, links to which provided the prosecutor's office.

The court in St. Petersburg banned the spread of the anime

In the Kolpinsky district court of St. Petersburg, on January 20, the consideration of the prosecutor's office, which demanded to ban several anime in Russia. Among them, "Death Notebook", "Tokyo Gul", "Elf Song", "Naruto" and others. The court registered five claims in which 49 references contain.

In court there is a deposit of the Kolpinsky district Dmitry Atamanenko. The representative of Roskomnadzor did not appear, reports Mediazona. Specialists who studied Anime were called to the hall.

The study of materials began with animation of anime. As a claim, the following was voiced as a claim: "Here, due to the bright figurative impacts on the psyche of the child, the destructive potential is formed." The specialist complained, the heroes of Anime do not show emotions in the scene of the murder of one of the characters with a finger. "Death depreciates here. He sent his finger - killed, and that's it. And in our Russia commit suicide about two thousand adolescents. And adolescents are the most valuable population, "Belov said.

In the second part of the claim we are talking about anime. Expert Oleg Erlich said that only from the name Anime "there is an indirect, but quite motivating effect on the child." He believes that it pushes to reflect children about suicide and harm the psyche of adolescents. The specialist stated that the current teenagers develop more slowly and proposed to increase age qualifications.

Expert Belovo also does not like the name of Anime. "In this case," Death Notebook "forms interest in death, and such topics usually attracts people to an unstable psyche," he believes. Both specialists came to the conclusion that the "Death Note" and "Inayshiki" bear the threat of the psyche of children.

Judge Dmitry Nikulin satisfied the claim of the prosecutor's office and forbade the dissemination in Russia anime "Death Note" and "Inyashiki". But we are talking about the prohibition of pages of two sites with anime, which the prosecutor's office presented to the court, clarifies the "media".

After that, the judge began to consider the second lawsuit, about anime. As in the case of the first lawsuit, the defendants could not determine, since the site on which the anime is placed is registered outside of Russia. Experts complained about the "disseminated" in this anime. "Installation is formed on sadistic inclinations through bright images. Such movies perform the role of genie from the bottle, "Belov believes.

The prosecutor repeats the requirement to prohibit the spread of this anime. The judge satisfied the lawsuit and banned the distribution of Tokyo Gulya on the website.

The court in St. Petersburg banned the spread of the anime
The judge reads the description of Anime on Wikipedia

After the break, the judge Nikulin began to consider the claim on anime website The lawsuit says that this cartoon threatens the mental development of minors. The series present scenes of blood, cruelty and nudity, - read the judge of the case materials. As in the previous cases, he talks about the letters of Russians who complain about the negative impact of this anime on their children. Belov and Erlich specialists agreed that Anime had a negative effect on the psyche of people. Belov stated that such films "form society of future sadists and murderers." "We have even an associate professor university killed and dismembered. And in such a person, the maximum limiters were formed in the process of development, "he added.

The judge asked the prosecutor why before the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office did not take anything to ban this anime. He is indignant due to the fact that a naked woman appears in anime, which "all kills". He suggested finding out who spreads anime in Russia.

During the debate, the prosecutor says that "the protection of children's consciousness is in the first place." The court satisfies the claim for the ban on the "elven song". In addition, to government agencies that allow the spread of anime, "will result in private definitions."

In the fourth lawsuit, the Anime "Tokyo Terror", Elfi Song and the AnimeTeatr.Club website. According to the plot of the last cartoon, the main character is experiencing sexual attraction to his sister. After reviewing several fragments, the judge asked Belova as a "sexologist", whether he sees there signs of pornography. He answered the affirmative. "The distortion of psychosexual images as a child entails serious consequences in the form of pedophilia in a mature age," Belov said.

After that, the judge Nikulin tried to find the text of the song Morgen Shectery "I ate my grandfather," but he did not work out. As a result, he decided to bring to the consideration of this claim as interested parties Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and postpone the meeting on February 17. On this, the broadcast from the courtroom ended, the decision on the last claim was not publicly voiced.

Initially it was reported that the prosecutor's office filed five lawsuits. The combined press service of the courts of the city reported that the agency also demanded to ban the anime "Naruto" and "interspecific reviewers".

So far, it is not very clear what prohibits the court - anime-serials as such, or only those that are posted on the specified sites. "MediaZona" explains that now it is impossible to answer this question. First you need to explore the full text of the decision of the judge. In addition, Roskomnadzor may interpret the ban on sites as a ban on content in principle. Lawyer "Roscomsvoboda" Sarkis Darbinyan said that the Government Decision gives Roskomnadzor "Wide powers to block information if it applies to other resources, but they are always creatively suitable for this."

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