Sailor Day celebrated in Nizhny Novgorod

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The solemn event dedicated to the 115th anniversary of the creation of the underwater forces of Russia was held in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, the press service of the governor and the government of the Nizhny Novgorod region reports.

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The organizers acted as the Regional Office of the All-Russian Public Movement of Fleet Support with the support of the Ministry of Internal Regional and Municipal Policy. Near the monument to submarine C-13 "Dolphin" gathered cadets, government representatives and sailors-veterans.

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The Chairman of the regional department of the Motion of Fleet Support Vitaly Antonevich told the history of the creation of a submarine and spoke about her battle way.

"We are proud that the formation of the underwater fleet of Russia is inseparable connected with Nizhny Novgorod. The submarine "Dolphin" - the first Russian combat submarine - was built in 1904 at the Baltic plant for the project of the outstanding Nizhny Novgorod: the scholar-shipbuilder Ivan Bubnov and Captain I rank Mikhail Beklemishev. Of the 212 submarines built to the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 42 were built at the Red Sormovo plant. Also, a bookmark of the first Nizhny Novgorod submarine "Sh-304" - "Komsomolets" took place. During the Military Liphethety, Sorzovichi passed a fleet of 22 submarines, another 40 was repaired, "he said.
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After the war, the plant "Red Sormovo" built submarines, on which the main types of winged rockets of both the surface and underwater start are tested. In 1967, the first Sormovian nuclear submarine 670 of the project was built by the factory ship shipments. Multipurpose nuclear submarine of the third generation of the project 945A "Condor" - "Nizhny Novgorod", which has a hull from the titanium alloy, was created by the constructors of the TsKB "Lazurit" and the ships of the Red Sormovo plant. Nizhny Novgorod underwater ships, among which Nizhny Novgorod submarine, and today are on combat duty, reliably guarding the marines of our homeland.

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Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region Gleb Nikitin also congratulated all who relate to the underwater fleet with the holiday. He noted that Nizhny Novgorod sailors made a lot of exploits and entered their names in the history of the state.

"Risk and romance have always been peculiar to the sea, but on the underwater vessel it is felt even stronger. The crew of a submarine is a real fraternity, a dedicated homeland and military duty. You like no one know about the importance of friendly support and mutual support, "said the head of the region.


The day of the submariner is established by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation of July 15, 1996 No. 233. The date is timed to the exit on March 19, 1906 by the Decree of the Emperor Nicholas II on the inclusion of submarines of the military fleet on the classification of vessels.

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