When pancakes are worse than the poison: the Ivanovsky pediatrician told the kids in the carnival

When pancakes are worse than the poison: the Ivanovsky pediatrician told the kids in the carnival 21585_1

Traditional dish on Carnival - pancakes. They are glad to eat and adults, and very kids. But are they harmless to children? And from what age is allowed to feed the children with these round golden and openwork "yummy"? The Pediatrician Elena Smirnova was told about this "Ivanovo news".

"A lot depends on the method of cooking a dish. Do not feed in general any fried kids up to three years. It will almost inevitably cause digestive disorder. Fried slowly absorbed and digested. The formation of gases in the intestine increases, meteorism begins, then constipation occurs. In grilled many carcinogens and toxins. They reduce immunity, change the composition of the blood, breaking blood circulation, adversely affect the work of cardiovascular and nervous systems, "the pediatrician explained.

Carcinogens have a cumulative effect, which is expressed in the participation of allergic reactions and even the serious danger of cancer.

Posturing pancakes on the underwear test, it is permissible to feed the child aged from one and a half years - but in no case are not abused by fillings, especially sweet. Also note that only flour, salt, eggs and sodes should be present in the test.

The furnace pancakes for children is necessary only on the water. Baked on milk, they are very heavy for the stomach. In addition, they can cause allergies. But from three years, it is quite possible to start feeding children pancakes on milk, however - with reservations. The rule "kids - only without a filling" acts here!

The pediatrician also listed the basic principles of the preparation of pancakes for children:

1. Bake only home pancakes, do not give children semi-finished products! In finished food too many dangerous food additives and chemistry. The minimum problem that threatens in this case is an allergy. But you can "earn" and serious poisoning. Also, do not buy pancakes on street festivities. It is not known who they prepared them, from which products and in what conditions - most likely, in the unsanitary.

2. Smaller fat! If the bake on milk, dilute it with water in a 1: 1 ratio. Take the milk.

3. Beat from a mixture of wheat and barley flour, where you can shine a little bit of oat flakes. So you will have a useful product with a fiber maximum that is necessary for the body of the kid for its growth, metabolism and proper digestion.

4. Do not add a lot of sugar and salt into the dough - from them and an adult no good, and the child is the more. Moreover, the child can get used to such a meal and from useful, but not sweet will already refuse.

5. Due to the large amount of carbohydrates, pancakes are digested for a long time. Therefore, they are better feeding children in the morning.

6. Do not give children more than two or three pancakes at a time, and if they still decided to treat the kids with pancakes with a filling - it is enough for one or two.

7. In no case can not be recorded pancakes with sweet carbonated drinks that many love to eat children. I'd rather forget about lemonades.

8. Is your child? Is your child? If he has health problems. That pancakes are generally excluded from the diet. They are contraindicated with excess weight, diabetes, problems with digestion and pancreas. A full ban on pancakes - with gastritis and ulcers.

9. About stuffing. From too fat and sweet it is better to refuse. Choose only natural products. Fresh fruits and berries are well suitable for children. Just be careful with red berries - these are strong allergens! You can wrap in pancakes chicken mince, as well as beef or turkey.

10. Start frying pancakes either on a dry pan, or with the addition of the minimum amount of refined sunflower oil.

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