Why should not be hoped for others?

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Why should not be hoped for others? Photo: Depositphotos.

At least once in life, we all fall in a situation where we cannot cope independently: we are sick, wounded, beaten, robbed, left in difficult conditions without help. And we have to completely rely on a completely unfamiliar person, even a random passerby. Of course, this is a huge risk. But in these conditions, you do not have to choose.

And yet, trusting this person, even through pain and outgoing consciousness, try to watch his actions, at least minimally control what is happening.

What is the danger of excessive trust?

1. A person who agreed to assist us make it from mercantile considerations. He knows that almost everyone who fell into a difficult situation, then will try to thank even for meager participation. And believe me, the amount of your gratitude will be considerable!

Here is an example from life. A young woman went down the street, not paying attention to passing cyclists. One of them, driving up to the sidewalk, snatched her handbag from her hands. It was a passport, a considerable amount of money, skipping to work, some other documents. Passersogue was able to catch up with him and select "prey". For this his "gentleman act" he asked the girl the amount three times the cost of its handbag. Of course, gave. (Perhaps "good passerby" and the kidnapper worked in a pair.)

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Sometimes interfering in the "Savior" situation can be much more dangerous to the original offenders Photo: Depositphotos

2. The subject intervened in a situation can be much more dangerous of the initial offenders. In the forensic psychiatry there are examples when the sadist lasted the young couples, which were walking down the street (on the edge of the forest, in the park) and quarreled. He did the form that he was offended by the disrespect of the guy to the girl, came up and beat him, and then raped the girl, stifled, etc.

3. A person sincerely wants to help you. But it does not have such opportunities, skills, physical and mental strength. Perhaps he overestimated himself, wanted to seem in front of you better than it really is. Of course, his inept assistance will not bring any benefit, but also hurt.

4. You agreed to help because of the awkwardness of the refusal. But in reality, nothing will do (they do not know how, do not want, no time). And you expect and hope ...

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Sometimes a person wants to help, but overestimates his photo: Depositphotos

5. The one who said that "will help and save", in fact your enemy, envious and unfinished. He is here as here when something unpleasant happens with you, you find yourself in a ridiculous, funny position, etc. Believe me, it will be able to imperceptibly make a photo of your frightened person, and about the incident will know all your surroundings.

Well, if your life takes shape so that you can rely on other people: your parents, sister brothers, classmates and colleagues, combat comrades. If you are confident in them. Or another output is simply not. But if there is the slightest opportunity, there were strength, resources, will to life - it is necessary to rely only on yourself. Especially in vital issues.

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ONLY Nadezhda, without faith in himself and in God's help - this is the lot of weak photos: Depositphotos

Hope is an illusion, a mirage in the desert, that the well is very close. As sang in Soviet times: "The whole life is ahead, Nadya and wait." Funny, isn't it? But is it worth hoping for someone, shifting responsibility for your life on other people's shoulders? Even if a person is kind to you - he is not omnipotent, as if he could sometimes not want it.

You can hope for God, his limitless mercy, but at the same time actually act - boldly and decisively. ONLY Nadezhda, without faith in himself and in God's help and patronage - this is the lot of weak. Faith saves from despair, gives strength, helps to avoid fears who have a person who has been overwhelmed.

Take care of people who helped you free, on the kindness of your soul. There are few such now.

Author - Oksana Arkadyevna Filatova

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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