Young Vladimir artists invite to participate in the plenier "Russia I know"


This year marks 20 years of international captivity of young artists at the Vladimir-Suzdal Earth, which is conducted by the Interregional Youth Public Organization "House of Peace". Again, as in previous years, a presidential grant for co-financing the activities provided for by the Propheer program "Good to you and the World, Vladimir Rus!".

Young Vladimir artists invite to participate in the plenier

The partners of the project were the All-Russian Public Organization "Assembly of the Peoples of Russia", the All-Russian Social Movement "The Crection of Peoples in the Name of Life" (Sezhengia forum), the International Union of Non-Governmental Organizations "Assembly of the Peoples of Eurasia", Department of Culture of the Administration of the Vladimir Region, Youth Center for Physical Culture, Sports and Youth Policy Administration of the city of Vladimir, State Vladimir-Suzdal Museum-Reserve Publishing House "Art School".

As part of the Plenagement, the International Children's and Youth Competition from Russia, which I know, will be held - for compatriots and foreign participants. It aims to strengthen mutual understanding and friendly connections between young people in the name of peace and good neighborly relations, as well as the development of friendly contacts and expanding creative ties between young artists. The jury will appreciate the original work and work sent online.

Children and young people of the Russian Federation and foreign countries are allowed to participate in the event. From one author not more than four works. Age categories: 10-12 years, 13-15 years, 16-18 years, 19 years -25 years. Participants of the upcoming XX inter-ethnic captivity of young artists should bring their work on the competition with you.

The size of competitive exhibits is 30 x 40 cm. (A3), any (except soft: pastel, Santgina, coal, etc.). Works are performed in a picturesque or graphic technique. Works should not be taken into account. Participation in the competition is free.

Operations online must be sent before August 1, 2021 to the email address: [email protected]. Requirements for images: file in JPG, PNG or GIF format; size in width and height - at least 1080 px side; The file volume is preferably no more than 2 MB.

Works should be accompanied by an application with information about the authors of work and the indication of the name of the work: FULL NAME, the year of birth of the author, the detailed address of the school and the teacher (e-mail, telephone).

The winners of the "living" works on each topic in the nomination (painting and graphics) and in each age group will be awarded diplomas of laureates, medals, memorable prizes and catalogs of the final exhibition. The authors of the best works sent via the Internet will receive catalogs of the final exhibition and diplomas of laureates in electronic form.

The final exhibition will be held on August 17-22, 2021. At the closure ceremony of an interethnic captivity on August 22, 2021 will be awarded the winners of the participants of the Plenäer. Diplomas and catalogs of the final exhibition will be sent to the participants of the competition and catalogs of the final exhibition in electronic form.

Also in the program of XX ENATIONAL PLEAR: excursions and pleniers in the cities of Vladimir, Suzdal, Bogolyubovo, Murom, Yuriev-Polsky, master classes of famous artists, participation in the festival "Apple Savior" in Suzdal, the exhibition "National Costumes of the Peoples of the Land Vladimir", Round The table "Meeting Plennier as a tool of public (folk) diplomacy" "," Card readings "on the topic" Inter-element and interreligious peace-based life and culture of mankind "(VIII International Scientific and Methodological Conference).

Young Vladimir artists invite to participate in the plenier

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