Homemade scrub. 5 simple and efficient recipes

Homemade scrub. 5 simple and efficient recipes 21545_1
Homemade scrub. 5 simple and efficient recipes

Home scrub is one of the most effective tools for body care and face. He exfoliates dead skin cells, removes extra moisture, makes the skin breathe.

And the most pleasant thing to cook it can be home from simple ingredients.

5 most efficient and simple scrubs that you can cook at home

Body Coffee Scrub with mustard

This scrub struggles well with cellulite due to the warming up of mustard, and coffee has a magnificent tonic effect on the skin.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Coffee Mushroom - 200
  • Mustard powder-100
  • Any vegetable oil.
Homemade scrub. 5 simple and efficient recipes 21545_2
homemade body scrub

How to cook:

Take cake from coffee, dry it within a few hours on the napkin, then mix with mustard powder, add a small amount of any oil.

It may be olive, orange, coconut or any other oil your favorite oil. It is important for a home scrub to choose a light, liquid and not very fat oil consistency - then the mass will be easier to wash off.

The sprobe thick is regulated by the amount of added oil.

Mint salt scrub

Salt particles perfectly exude a skin, remove excess liquid, and mint oil enhances lymphotok.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Sea Salt - 200
  • Mint's essential oil - 10 drops.

How to cook:

Take the sea salt of medium grinding or achieve the desired size of the grains with a blender, add the oil, mix the mixture well and shift it into a dry dark tank.

Use better on steaming skin to enhance action. Therefore, this option is perfect for a bath or after rubbing the skin with a towel or dry brush.

Apply it on wet skin, but remember that it can deliver discomfort if there are cuts or scratches on the body.

Sugar scrub with green tea

Sugar perfectly cleans the skin not only due to its abrasive structure, but also due to glycolic acid, which is contained in it, and green tea perfectly tones the skin and displays toxin out of it.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Brown sugar - 150 g
  • Green tea without additives - 50 g.
  • Coconut oil - 70

How to cook:

Dry tea slightly grind in a blender, mix with sugar and pour the mixture with oil. Let the scrub be broken in the refrigerator a few hours.

Use on wet steaming skin, and after thoroughly wash the water to avoid stickiness.

Homemade Pace Scrubs Rice Scrub with Kaolin

Rice flour waters the skin at the expense of its finely dispersed structure, and kaolin matches and carefully cleans the pores.

What is needed for cooking:

  • Rice flour - 50 g.
  • Kaolin or dry white clay - 20 g
  • Boiled water

How to cook:

Rice flour Mix with kaolin or white clay, seek a mass through the siete so that all components mix well and were homogeneous.

The resulting dry mix is ​​enough for several applications. Before use, mix with a small amount of water, apply massaging face on the skin and light movements.

Scrub with oatmeal and yogurt

Mildly cleanses the skin, thanks to the ground oatmeal, and yogurt or sour cream clarify and make a light peeling, because they have lactic acid, and it is a very good humidifier and is even used in industrial peels.

Homemade scrub. 5 simple and efficient recipes 21545_3

What is needed for cooking:

  • Oatmeal - 2 tablespoons
  • Yoghurt or sour cream fat from 2.5 to 5% - 2 tablespoons

How to cook:

Oatmeal shred in a blender or coffee grinder, but do not overdo it, the mixture will be able to with the grains of medium size, which can be dried with skin. Mix flakes with yogurt or sour cream.

It is important to make a mixture very quickly until the flakes become completely soft. Massify the face for 5-7 minutes, then carefully breathe.

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