Belarusians receive february fat. How amounts in payments differ from January


Belarusians began to receive february alive. As in January, the amounts for consumed services are counted on new tariffs. According to statistics, in February, housing and communal services rose by 8.4%. Recall, since the beginning of this year, the authorities raised tariffs for many LCA., as the sums of gods in January and February are different in the same apartments.

Belarusians receive february fat. How amounts in payments differ from January 21529_1
The snapshot is illustrative. Photo: Alexander Kvitkevich,

How in February the sums in gods in the Gomel "Treshka" and the Minsk "Malossame" changed

In a three-bedroom apartment in Gomel by 77.5 square meters in fat for February, the amount of 73.64 rubles is paid. This is 14.7 rubles less than a month earlier. For heating last month, 20.2 rubles came out for 0.9797, and in January it was 0.9658 Gcal, or 19.92 rubles. That is, specifically in this Gomel "Treshka" costs for heating in February slightly decreased due to fewer gkal consuming. But you still need to consider that in January was 31 days, and in February - 28.

At the same time in January in this Gomel apartment there was also more water consumption. We clarify that in all apartments about which we tell in this text, there are registered residents.

In the Minsk "Malostema" in 21.1 square meters, the February album "delayed" by 24.67 rubles. It is 38 kopecks less than in January. Minor reduction due to heating. It should be borne in mind that specifically in this apartment there is quite leaning water consumption - 0.2 cubic meters cold and hot both in February and in January.

How has the amount of gods changed in the Mogilev "Oder" since February 2018

The reader from Mogileva shared his February girlfriends over the past 8 years. Last month, 47.53 rubles took 47.53 rubles per apartment consumed in an apartment in an apartment. For the same period of 2019, there were 33.5 rubles, 2018 - 40.29 rubles. But it should be borne in mind that every year the tenants of this apartment spent different volumes of hot and cold water. Also difference was the cost of heating. For example, in February 2021, 0.9921 Gcal was gone on heating this apartment, and in the same month of 2019 - 0.6909 Gcal, and the 2017th - 0,8863 Gcal.

Why, according to statistics, the LCA was noticeable in price in February, and not in January

Housing and communal services went up for January - February by 8.6%, follows from statistics. Moreover, the main growth, according to Belstat, fell in February - 8.4%.

From January raised tariffs for the LCS: $ 4.2 went up among other things, the maintenance service and overhaul of residential buildings, gas, electric and water supply, drainage, removal of garbage, maintenance of the elevator, the cleaning of entrances. For example, in Minsk, cold water from January 1 has risen in price in price of almost 4.9%, sewage - almost 5%, garbage collection - by 10.6%, maintenance - almost 11.4%, and overhaul - almost 39% .

Also from the beginning of the year raised tariffs for electricity. But due to the nuances of information collection for statistics, the rise in price is displayed with a delay, so the growth of tariffs is noticeable in the data of Belstat for February.

At the same time, heating and hot water in January did not go, rates will grow from June 1, as well as a year earlier. Tut.BY.

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