Houseplants from the past: the Soviet people decorated their apartments


Good afternoon, my reader. The life of Soviet people was really unusual. The apartments were shook the same headsets, and the table was put on the table and the same dishes. On the windowsill, in metal supports and porridge, a standard set of colors was conquered. There was no such chic diversity of houseplants as now.

Houseplants from the past: the Soviet people decorated their apartments 21507_1
Indoor plants from the past: the Soviet people of Maria Verbilkova decorated their apartments

Houseplants. (Photo used by standard license ©

Fashionable houseplants for long days

Now it is no one to surprise the blooming pelargonium, and in fact earlier this flower was often called geranium. Unpretentious "Teschin Language", Ivy, Chinese Rose, Healing Aloe and Calanchoe, and a money tree and cyclamen for years lived in the homes of the Soviet residents and were inherited.


This is the official name of the flower, which the people were magnified by the "knightly star." Large, funk-like, it looks like an honorary medieval order, painted in red, saturated orange, pink and white color.


When an overnight winter landscape was seen outside the window, the Decembrist (or as it is also called the Christmas) pleased his owners with pink inflorescences. It blooms unpretentious to care from December to February, but also between flowering his falling juicy stalks look quite attractive.

Houseplants from the past: the Soviet people decorated their apartments 21507_2
Indoor plants from the past: the Soviet people of Maria Verbilkova decorated their apartments

Decembrist. (Photo used by standard license ©

Rosicissus rhombic

The leaves of the ocssus in the form look like a birch foliage, but in fact the plant is not a tree, but a fucked Liana. The shoots are quickly drawn and capable of achieving several meters, which is why "birch" often decorated the walls.

Under the trunk of birch decorated metal wall mounts - did black stripes on a white background. Such a composition looked amazingly, served as a symbol of a good taste and was considered a very fashionable element of office and home interior.


Tradesska can be found everywhere and today with floral abundance. In Soviet times, the plant was used as a spectacular home gardening: the tradesbania blooms almost imperceptibly, but her lush abundant foliage of a bright green or purple shade attracts attention.

Houseplants from the past: the Soviet people decorated their apartments 21507_3
Indoor plants from the past: the Soviet people of Maria Verbilkova decorated their apartments

Tradesska. (Photo used by standard license ©


The hostess was called the Campanulu "Sweet Bar" or "Bride and Groom". What is interesting: "Bride" fragrant with white bells with five petals, and the "groom" dressed in an outfit from purple, blue, blue and lilac flowers. Original plants looked in one pot, but many flower products agreed that it is better to give each of them more freedom so that they do not compete for the territory.


Because of the similarity with nettle killeus, he received a simple name - "nettle", but its leaves are not green, but more often burgundy or red. Of course, there will be no burns from touching Koleus. The plant is widely used to create unique landscaped compositions.

Houseplants from the past: the Soviet people decorated their apartments 21507_4
Indoor plants from the past: the Soviet people of Maria Verbilkova decorated their apartments

Koleus. (Photo used by standard license ©

Sedume Morgana

Externally, the Seduum resembles the tail of the animal, so instead of the magnificent botanical title, it was made by a monkey tail, less likely - and even dony. This representative of the Flora refers to succulents. Undemanding to water, it is poorly growing without fullest lighting. Loved Sedume Morgan for his flowers - large, in the shape of a star, pink or purple.

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