The Martian relay network connects the Earth with NASA Marschodes

The Martian relay network connects the Earth with NASA Marschodes 21477_1

The landing of the Marshode "Perseverans" on the surface of the planet, scheduled for February 18 - the most important event in the history of the development of outer space. NASA (DNS)'s long-term cosmic communication network will closely monitor this process due to the carefully well-established work of Martian orbital devices.

Mainly "Perseverans" will be accompanied by an automatic interplanetary station Maven and an intelligence satellite MRO. They are part of the Martian relay network, which includes several devices located in the Red Planet orbit.

The Martian relay network connects the Earth with NASA Marschodes 21477_2
Martian orbital vehicles

Part of the information is a rover can be sent directly to Earth and receive various commands in response. However, the entire amount of data is extremely huge and their transfer takes too much time. Therefore, the optimal is considered to be sent from the Marshode to orbital devices, and from there already to the Earth. Here the data is accepted by DNS radioantines.

NASA's far-cosmic communication network is engaged in radio astronomy studies of the Universe, the Solar System, and also controls spacecraft. In Russia, such work is conducted by the eastern center of the Far of Cosmic Communications, located in p. Galenks (Primorsky Krai).

DNS is an international network and consists of three sectors: Goldstone (USA), Madrid (Spain) and Canberra (Australia). The network is organized in such a way that any spacecraft that rises to a height of 30,000 km and above, it turns out to be at least one sector.

According to the project manager DSN Bradford Arnold, support for communication with spacecraft requires colossal effort, but flights to Mars brought these technologies to a new level. Thanks to the well-established work of orbital devices, the whole world will be able to monitor how "Perseverans" will enter the atmosphere of Mars, descend and land on its surface.

The Martian relay network connects the Earth with NASA Marschodes 21477_3
DNS network scheme

At the time of entering the atmosphere of the Red Planet, the device will partially transmit data directly to the Earth and partly on MRO and Maven. To do this, it provides several antennas on board. Over the past two minutes of descent and landing of the Marshode, it will become unsaveted for an observer from the earth's surface, as it will be outside the horizon of Mars. At this time, the connection will be supported only thanks to Mro and Maven devices.

Specialists from the flight control center hope that they will be able to confirm the successful landing of the Marshod and get the first images shortly after landing, which is scheduled for 15:55 EST (or 23:55 Moscow time). The next way to contact "Perseverans" will occur at about 19:27 EST, when Odyssey will fly over it - another orbital apparatus.

At 21:36 EST, the health of the Marshode will check the Trace Gas Orbiter - an orbital apparatus belonging to the European Space Agency and Roscosmos. Thanks to the Martian relay network, the accurate location, the activities of the Perseverans and the Injieuiti science helicopter will be tracked not only during landing, but during the further mission.

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