Bubble Diablo - Spectacular Decor at any time of the year


    Good afternoon, my reader. Bubbler Kalinoliste - an unusually beautiful shrub that can transform any corner of the garden. Especially spectacularly labeled Diabloy thanks to fluffy inflorescences, form and color of the leaves.

    Bubble Diablo - Spectacular Decor at any time of the year 21439_1
    Diablo bubble - spectacular decor at any time of the year Maria Verbilkova

    A bubble with a thick spreader crown in the shape of a hemisphere and a carved leaves look like a Kalina. However, the variety Diablo has a feature: its openwork leaves have an incredible dark purple color.

    On the sunny plots, the crown of the shrub casts a raspberry tint. In the shady corner of the foliage garden, changes its color from purple on green with barely noticeable red tump.

    Flowering time for bubble Diablo occurs in the second decade of June. Against the background of bright foliage, lush inflorescences collected from white and pink flowers. About a month, the shrub looks very elegant, and the thin fragrance of small buds attracts insect pollinators.

    In this plant, everything is attractive: both leaves and flowers, and fruits that appear at the end of the season. Seed boxes in the form of unusual flowers at the beginning of ripening are painted in bright green. Over time, they merge with foliage, because they acquire a purple shade.

    A decorative shrub as a solitator is a bright emphasis on the background of white hydrangea, or astilba, or low-speed conifers. In group landings, the bubbler Diablo is most often used as a live fence.

    The plant at any time of the year looks attractive, so it is easy to find it use on each site. Decorative culture is well tolerating trimming, Krone bushes at will give any shape.

    Bubble Diablo - Spectacular Decor at any time of the year 21439_2
    Diablo bubble - spectacular decor at any time of the year Maria Verbilkova

    An unpretentious plant is not too demanding for the composition of the soil. It is desirable that the soil be slightly sour, loose and fertile. In the summer, a regular irrigation is needed, because the variety of diablo is badly tolerated drought.

    In addition, you need to follow the health of the bush and carry out a sanitary trim annually. The removal of old, dry and damaged shoots rejuvenates the plant and gives it a well-kept view. The formation of a beautiful crown can be engaged in both the spring and autumn.

    Early spring until it began to be down, the shrub is fed by nitrogen-containing fertilizers: urea, ammonium Selitra. You can also use a solution of the cowboy. Late in the fall to strengthen the immunity and the root system under the root of the bubble makes nitroammofosk.

    A bubble of diablo is very easily multiplied by seeds, the division of the bush, cuttings and gods. Despite the fact that the planting material has a good germination, this culture is rarely planted with seeds, since the varietal features may not be preserved.

    Most often from adult born bushes with the help of shovels, a young piglery is separated and planted in the right place. A good and easy method of breeding is a gag, for which the spring is chosen 1-2 branches, cheer them and watered throughout the summer.

    The autumn will turn out root seedlings, which are then transferred to a permanent place. Easily bubbler breeds and with green cuttings, which can be selected even during decorative trimming.

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