My little yoni, or a story about a linguistic breakthrough

My little yoni, or a story about a linguistic breakthrough 21432_1

His parents, Israelis, could not hire him experienced, and therefore, highly paid, nanny, and no one wanted to go for a low payment ...

Israeli children are very direct in behavior, and, as a rule, pretty to the impossibility! Shining Eyeglas, Sleerating Mords, the Flower Garden appears the eyes of a person who decided to stroll along a small governor, whose main visitors are nanny with children.

Among this bright and noisy crowds, unexpectedly stands out with a pale spot sad, with a detached look, children's face, in whose eyes are not visible interest in the world around the world - this is my Jonathan ...

More precisely, it's a Jonathan, my ward, because I work nanny ... his parents, Israelis, could not hire him an experienced, and therefore, nobody wanted to go for a low payment - the child was very painful in appearance . Ten months looked at five, he ate and had a lot of neurological problems.

His dad and mother were university teachers and really treated their work, could not stay with the child. So they had to risk and take me to work, a young repatrian, almost "without language" and completely without experience. They risked, but I risked and I was very scary to take such a complex baby, I was terribly afraid that I could not cope with him, painful and sick ...

At night, I dreamed of dreams, that I drop him, and I was very hard I kept him - he was so chlipky and sluggish! A week after the start of my work, the whole family fell ill with influenza, after everyone fell ill and Yoni. I was keen on him, and my heart "Cuckooked" to him. According to his recovery, all the zeal and primary knowledge of psychology and pedagogy, I began to use Yoni from his usual, sad and indifferent to the whole state. I just had it very sorry!

I constantly talked to the baby, showed him different toys, objects of the situation, paid his attention to the phenomena of nature, calling everything out loud. Trying to help him, I helped and myself - as a child, learned the language with "Azov." He taught the songs, played the scenes in front of him from soldiers or dolls - in general, herself enjoyed cardiac communication with the baby, feeling not serving, but almost a member of the family.

I do not know that the reason why the course of some processes in the body of the child is natural, will my efforts gave fruit, and it can also have an action, but soon Jonathan became noticeably changed. For the first time in his life, he smiled when he was a year and a month. I just walked down the street, he sat in a wheelchair. It was approached by his former nanny, a young and smiling of Israeli (she worked with him for three months, then went to the maternity leave), a couple of words moved to me and suddenly exclaimed in surprise:

- Look, he smiles!

Joni looked at the clouds, and a light half jelly walked on his lips.

- I see the first time that he smiled! - did not get a girl. This smile was not random. Yoni began to smile to close people, laugh at the favorite cartoon about the Penguin, in general, began to enjoy life! Soon his mother told me:

"I don't have to talk to you, but we are grateful to you." After all, Yoni smiled for the first time in his life, only when you start to do it with him!

I do not remember what I answered, but I thought about myself: "Why shouldn't you talk?"? It is afraid that I will get up, or what? After all, if you know what you appreciate you, you will still try! " Passed a little more than a year. For the kid, I was not so worried so much, the child is clearly physically and psychologically strengthened, stopped "rolling" in the crying, quickly ran - very funny, like Charlie Chaplin, socks outward. He has not yet spoken suggestions, only some words, although I understood everything. With this, we were similar - how often I could not express my feelings or express your opinion, limited to a weak vocabulary stock! Bolting from nature, only in Israel I learned to be silent ...

Once in the evening I was lucky on a carriage to a nearby house, to visit my grandmother, his sister was walking nearby. To meet us was a woman with a dog on a leash.

- Look, Yoni, what a big dog! - I told the baby.

- And who is this, girl or boy, do not know? - slyly squinted his sister.

And not lost, added: "And I know, this is a boy - you see, he has such a big" boulev ".

I agreed with an enlightened child, and we proceeded on. At the entrance, we called to the intercom, the grandmother opened to us, we went, got to the elevator and went to the seventh floor. It must be said that in the house, inhabited by a fairly wealthy public, for some reason there was an elevator of "Dopoveta times" - a cabin was driving, and the door remained motionless. Grandmother complained that residents have long written requests to replace the elevator to modern and safe, but there was no answer.

And so, holding a stroller for the handle, I suddenly noticed that the wheel of the stroller tightens between the cab and the door. Yoni dried in the stroller, he was fastened - he liked to fasten the belt itself lately. The castle has long been "sang" and unbounded with difficulty, but at that moment I managed to snatch the strap from the stroller and snatch the baby from it. And on time - the wheel in the blink of an eye was completely tightened, almost to the seats. It is terrible to think if I did not have time to grab a child ... The elevator got up between the floors. We were locked with children in the cockpit. Outside the noise rose. Started knocking on the door of the elevator.

- Irite, are you alive? What happened? - We heard a broken voice of grandmother.

- The wheel is stuck between the door and elevator! - I shouted, and added, - but the children are fine!

- I'm afraid! - shouted the girl, and began to cry. - I want to get out of here!

Looking at her, Zaore and Yoni. Panic rose in me, but here suddenly I took possession of myself:

- My kids, calm down! - It seems that I managed to say it fun, - soon we will open the doors, and now, see what I have! And, sitting on the floor, holding the knees of Joni, I poured out with my hand on the floor, inviting him to sit sister.

- once! - And I got from the handbag set of markers, who only bought the baby today, and mom asked them to attribute them to her grandmother

- Two! - And from the bag appeared colored crayons, toys that we drove to every walk. There was also a notebook in which I recorded incomprehensible words in Hebrew to see their meaning in the dictionary.

- Three! "And I got two big lollipops, promised to children after dinner at the grandmother." What happiness, that all this turned out to be in my bag at that moment! I began to take children, drawing various figures and accompanying drawings with fairy-tale stories. Then we began to play the scenes with toys, the girl was quickly carried away and began to speak for dolls, I played it with all enthusiasm, and Jonathan even walked, clapping his hands. All knowledge of the children's folklore on Hebrew surfaced, more precisely, I broke out in my memory in this elevator! Periodically, the grandmother was told on the door and asked:

- Irite, how are you?

- All right! - I answered joyfully and loudly, - we are looking here and playing!

It would be better if she did not knock - then the children were distracted from the game and started to hump, wanting to go out, and I told them that a large car would come to us, on which the bold and brave rescuers go, they will praise us and ask us pictures! And let me do you draw these rescuers? And the children looked with interest, as I draw one "lifeguard" after another, draw their car, the road with trees on the sides and all sorts of things ...

We were so fascinated by creativity that the elevator door opened quite unexpectedly for us. Upstairs stood a gluable grandmother, excited neighbors and the rescuer himself - a strong man in shape. The grandmother pressed his palm to her lips, they all looked at the picture that opened by him - nanny and children sit on the floor, stick out the handles of the stroke stroller, and the entire floor was covered with toys and handwritten sheets of paper.

- Well done! - With a feeling exclaimed the lifeguard and handed it out, - come on here! I jumped to my feet and gave him first Joni, then his little sister. The exit from the elevator was at the level of my chest, and I was pulled out for hands. All cougged around us on the site. The grandmother kissed the baby, picked up his hands, then he pressed his granddaughter to him:

- Thank God, thank God! - She told and, raising his crying eyes on me, said: "Irit, you're such a well done, took the children! You seen there for almost an hour! This elevator service is such a non-historical! "

Here, the little Jonathan turned to his grandmother's face and clearly and called his first in life with a coherent offer:

- Baba, we saw a dog, he has such a big "Bul-Boule"! To say that the grandmother was confused - it means nothing to say. At the next second, she began to cry again and laugh at the same time. I also planted - only now I was really frightened when I saw a strata stroller pulled out of the elevator.

"And if the baby's legs tightened there?" - The thought came, and clearly seeing what could happen, I was frowning, my legs were joined. I sank to the floor. And the bottom of the children was already raised from the bottom, which did not suspect anything, and loudly drawn over the non-working elevator ...

After the adventure in the elevator, Jonathan "revealed the mouth" and chatted without a silence, even managed to learn a few words in French (his parents were invited to work in France, and they taught the whole family). His grandmother, previously believed to me cool, after what had happened to the bold nurse, the full confidence and after leaving children sometimes invited to visit to treat tea and tell about their lives abroad. I listened to interest and supported the conversation with interest, because in my mind, I also had a linguistic "breakthrough"!

A year later I returned to Russia. 15 years have passed, I found Jonathan in one of the social networks. My pupil grew up, matured, and he has a wonderful smile. He serves in the army of the defense of Israel, and I am very glad that the "my" yoni seems to be all good!

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