4 facts why the tramp declared impeachment a week before the end of the term


On January 13, Donald Trump became the first president in the history of the United States to whom the impeachment declared twice. But what's the point of doing this a week before Joe Bayden's accession to the post? We tell what purpose the congressmen persecutes, and how it will affect the further life and political career of Trump.

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Senate wants to deprive the Trump opportunity to run

The main goal that democrats is pursued in Congress is to deprive the Trmpa opportunities to run in 2024. It is easier than to remove it from office, because it requires 2/3 of the votes in the Senate.

And for deprivation, you need to beat a simple majority, which can give the decisive voice of the elected vice-president Camala Harris or any Republican, and there are many opponents of Trump among them.

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Selected Congressmen Democrats Osooff and Woolnok, who brought the balance of votes to the Senate. Photo: USA Today

Additional way to get rid of Trump

Alternative to the decision of the impeachment Senate - the 14th amendment to the US Constitution. She prohibits officials who participated in a mate or uprising against the country, to occupy government positions. She was accepted even after the Civil War to avoid the presence of South-Rabel owners at the state service. Given that Trump is accused of calling for violence against the United States, this amendment is quite applicable.

To implement it, you also need a simple majority in both Congress chambers. But, if the Trump on it will deprive the opportunity to be elected, he will not lose the presidential benefits.

Privileges who lose the Trump if it is recognized guilty

• He will not have a life sentence, which in 2021 is 221 thousand dollars (16.2 million rubles) per year;

• It will not be compensated for the cost of renting an office anywhere in the country;

• His trips worth up to a million dollars per year will not be paid;

• He will lose the right to state funeral, as well as the right to keep widow.

Trump and self-confidence

Since the Trump is underway a few investigations of its activities as president, he has an option to pardon himself before leaving. There were no such precedents in the history of the country. The impeachment should prevent the Trmp to pardon himself, as it is spelled out in the Constitution. As a last resort, his right to pardon can block the Congress for abuse to their accomplices.

Also, Vice-President Mike Pens could be pardoned. So it was when Richard Nixon starred from office after the Wergeat scandal, and he was pardoned with his vice president. True, Trump considers Pens to be a traitor and forbade him access to the White House from January 6, especially since he is not going to act definitely.

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Trump with a pardoned by him General Flynn, who recognized the guilt into collusion with Russia. Photo: New York Times

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