16 non-bank facts about things that seem usual only at first glance


So you live, live and do not know that the counted sleep lying, Italian banks give loans on the security of cheese, and Magnolia appeared so long ago that she had to somehow get out without bees, which had not yet existed.

We in ADME.ru adore to learn curious details and unknown facts: and we will entertain, and it will be what to shine in a conversation. Here is a new selection of such interests.

1. Magnolia is as an ancient plant that the beetles are pollinated. Just because when magnolia appeared, the bees did not exist

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© Derek Ramsey / Wikipedia

2. In Italy, banks issue loans secured by Parmesan cheese

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© Zerohund / Wikipedia

3. So ends 6,000-kilometer Great Chinese Wall

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© Depositphotos.

4. In France, croissants with butter are taken straight, and with margarine - curved

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© Pixabay, © pixabay

5. Surname Carlson - the third most prevalence in Sweden, so for the Swedes, the name of the book Lindgren sounds like for us "Kuznetsov who lives on the roof"

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© Kid and Carlson / Soyuzmultfilm

6. In Singapore, you can pay a fine of $ 200 if you water your home plants too plentiful

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© Pixabay.

Wrong watering plants leads to the fact that water remains under the flower pot. It attracts mosquitoes - dengue fever carriers. This is a dangerous disease that can lead to death, so the apartments and the Singaporetse houses can check, and the owners are fined for disorder.

7. "Beroshi" - this is a reduction from the phrase "take care of the ears"

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© Your Best Digs / Wikipedia

8. Drozda-Rubberry dive on birds of prey and shells them with their litter. Sometimes so diligently that they can not fly further

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© Anaxibia / Wikipedia

9. Contrary to myth, the bats are not blind at all. On the contrary, they have the eyesight of the human sharper. They are just preferred echolocation

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© Aditya Joshi / Wikipedia

10. Tsicades can remain larvae under 17 years old and live underground before turning into adult individuals.

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© Ninud / Wikipedia

11. In Brazilian prisons, each read book reduces imprisonment for 4 days. For each work it is necessary to write a statement

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© Pixabay.

12. Bamboo blooms every few decades, and then dies. And he is very durable: it makes nails and fittings. But actually it is grass

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© Stan Shebs / Wikipedia, © Aliexpress.com

13. Popcore 4 thousand years old, and the indigenous American Indians not only ate him, but also made decorations from him and guessing the form of the discontinued grain

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© Pixabay.

14. In Chicago, during severe frosts include gas burners under the rails so that the metal is not deformed from the cold

15. The councils sleep lying: they have too hard head, and they don't know how to keep it

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© doorabl / reddit

16. "Frost" for Czechs as for us "Irony of Fate"

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© Morozko / Film Studio named after M. Gorky

In the Czech Republic, the film, shot in the USSR in the 1960s, is the same mandatory part of the New Year program, as in Russia, cutting salads under the rebalance of Nadi and Zhenya Lukashina and the phrase of the hippolyte "What a muck of this is your bay fish" and "Oh, the warmth went" . The fairy tale "Morozko", or in Czech Mrazik, is shown on the New Year all the leading channel TV channels. Based on the fairy tales in the Czech Republic create computer games, quizzes and parodies.

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