VTB: state support increased sales of car loans by a third

VTB: state support increased sales of car loans by a third 21381_1

In January 2021, VTB issued 7.3 thousand car loans in the amount of more than 7 billion rubles. This is 30% by number and by 60% by volume above the results of January 2020. The provisional support program is played in the restoration of demand after a pandemic, the share of which in total January sales exceeded 40%.

"The decision to extend the conditions of the state program in car loans for 2021 was a serious factor that influenced a sharp increase in sales at the beginning of this year. Customers attract 10% discount from the cost of a new car (in the DFO regions discount increases to 25%), extended limits at the price of the vehicle, as well as additional benefits for social categories of citizens. Only in January VTB issued 3 thousand loans for 2 billion rubles, which is 4.5 times more than in January 2020. Taking into account the potential increase in prices for cars in 2021, the proliferation of the State Program is a timely and reasonable decision that can support the sale of new vehicles for the population, "said Vladimir Vysotsky, Head of the Avtail Sales Organization - Vice President VTB.

In the total amount of issuance, the greatest dynamics showed loans for new cars compared with the past January - their share was more than 85%, an increase in one and a half times in terms of transactions and 1.8 times in volume. At the same time, significantly - 6 times - the share of transactions has grown without transferring the car to a pledge to the Bank, which is associated with the launch of VTB at the beginning of 2020 a special program of non-tax car loan and the subsequent improvement of the conditions on it.

The total amount of the average check in the car loan in January 2021 increased in comparison with the past January to a quarter and exceeded 970 thousand rubles. The most popular brands of customers are Lada, Hyundai and Kia. MOSCOW (2.2 billion rubles), St. Petersburg (697 million), Krasnodar (345 million), Kazan (264 million), Ufa (218 million) became cities-leaders in the volumes of issued car loans in January.

VTB is one of the leaders in the car loan segment. At the end of 2020, the Bank issued more than 90 thousand loans by more than 80 billion rubles. VTB car loan portfolio at the beginning of 2021 exceeded 115 billion rubles.

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