The man survived after a 14-hour stay in the waters of the Pacific Ocean thanks to Musor

The man survived after a 14-hour stay in the waters of the Pacific Ocean thanks to Musor 21365_1

An unpleasant incident occurred with the Lithuanian sailor. The man was in a dangerous situation in the midst of the Pacific Ocean. 52-year-old types of transversals without rescue vests were able to survive, thanks to the abandoned buoy. Fortunately, he was saved by colleagues, writes, referring to the BBC.

The history of sailor salvation

A 52-year-old Lithuanian seamant forms of Plears spent 14 hours in water after falling from a cargo court in the Pacific Ocean on the way between the New Zealand port of Tauranga and an isolated territory belonging to the UK, Pitcar.

According to InoSMI, a man felt dizziness while working in the engine room. He decided to go to the deck to breathe fresh air. But as a result, fell overboard.

The man survived after a 14-hour stay in the waters of the Pacific Ocean thanks to Musor 21365_2

The son of the sailor Marat said that his father does not remember how he slipped. "It's probably fainted," says man.

I do not know that the team member fell overboard, the ship continued the way. At this time, the species tried to hold out over the surface of the water. He noticed a black spot on the horizon and decided to sail him.

It turned out that it was an abandoned fishing buoy. There he spent the next 14 hours. A man says that buoy was not anchored and just drifted in the ocean.

Only six hours after the fall of the form over the board, the carriage crew noticed that their engineer disappeared. The captain decided to deploy the ship and go to search. He sent messages on the radio, calling all the ships nearby to help in search.

The man survived after a 14-hour stay in the waters of the Pacific Ocean thanks to Musor 21365_3

As a result, aircraft of France from Tahiti was connected to the rescue operation. And the French meteorological service calculated the wind speed in order to determine in which direction of the flow could be held.

In the end, the species was saved by its own vessel. At that moment, when the sailor saw him on the horizon, he raised his hands and began to shout, and one of the people on board heard him. Then the engineer was safely delivered on board.

"He looked at about 20 years older and was very tired, but alive," his son said to journalists. "He had a strong will to survive, I would probably have drowned away. But he always remained in shape and was healthy, so I think he was able to survive," Marat admits.

Previously, four people spent more than a month in the Pacific Ocean and survived. The party of a small group of people went not at all according to plan.

Photo: pexels.

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