Stars who managed to part in 2021


The past year was not easy. Withstand what is happening in the world was not all that was reflected, first of all, on the personal lives of people. Millions of couples worldwide could not overcome the tests that they presented to them 2020, and the stars in this sense did not exception. This year, a multitude of public individuals accepted the decision on parting, and here are the most famous of them.

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Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

Of course, the loudest in 2021 was the divorce of Rapper Kanye West and the TV star Kim Kardashian. Their love story since 2014, for millions of fans was an example of loyalty and mutual understanding, but on January 5 it became known that the couple decided to divorce.

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Moreover, the marriage process, apparently, promises to be loud, because Kim, according to the press, has already hired lawyers, and Kanya slapped the door loudly, saying that he was annoyed by the way of life of relatives of his wife and he does not want to have anything in common with the Kardashian family.

Olga Buzova and David Manukyan

In the domestic show-book, the most discussed parting of this year to this day remains sudden collapse of TV presenter and singer Olga Buzova with a popular blogger David Manukyan, which the performer reported in Instagram immediately after his birthday.

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It turned out that the relationship of the star couple, despite the external gloss, were extremely strained, and scandals, conflicts and quarrels at some point for Dava and Olga became familiar. The point in the relationships of the stars, according to Buzova, put the offensive behavior of Manukyan. So this or not, we probably never know, because the blogger himself comment on the current situation refuses flatly.

We recently told about celebrities who managed to hide pregnancy.

Ben Affleck and Ana de Armaas

They could not cope with the difficulties of the 2020 and stars such as Ben Affleck and Ana de Armaas. Hollywood celebrities, having lived together, parted in January, surprising the whole world with their calm approach to this life peripetia.

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Despite the fact that many stellar marriages end with scandal, Ben and Ana decided to stop relations calmly and without quarrels. De Armaas wanted to start life from a pure sheet and radically changed the image, and Affleck, in turn, summed up the line under the former novel, throwing a cardboard figure for an ex-beloved cardboard figure, made in the genus.

Yana Trojanova and Vasily Sigarev

Returning to the theme of the domestic show business, it is impossible not to mention the unexpected for all the separation of Yana Trojanova and Vasily Sigarev. The fact that the stars are no longer in a relationship, the director told visiting Yuri Dudya.

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The movie star did not go over and admitted - the spouse just stopped love him as a man, which was the reason for parting. Occuping, Sigarev also added that this event was the hardest impact for him, so he could not do without the help of a psychologist.

We also wrote about heterosexual actors, masterfully played gays and lesbians.

And how did your personal life affect the crisis of 2020? Talk about it in the comments.

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