What if you sweat the windows in the apartment? - 6 working ways and prevention tips


Missing plastic windows is a common problem that is facing most of the owners of apartments and houses. We will analyze the main reasons and show the working ways to correct the problem.

Causes of fogging

Official PVC windows have a number of advantages (especially in comparison with wooden windows): Keep warm inside the apartment, no foreign sounds are missing, protected from dust, not prone to icing. However, PVC windows have a limited resource of trouble-free existence.

Therefore, without proper regular care, in a few years the design will begin to drive, pass the cold air, which will lead to the formation of condensate.

The reasons for which windows sweat are somewhat:

Inappropriate double glazing. The thermal insulation depends on the number of cameras in the frame: single-chamber double-glazed windows, for example, are not intended for installation in residential premises. And the only option to solve the problem is to replace them with two-, three-chamber windows.

Violation of natural ventilation. Installing too wide windowsill, close the radiator with a tabletop, a wardrobe or a screen without access to air - it means to block the movement of warm air. In winter, this leads to a dew point: the supercooling of glass, the appearance of condensate on the windows.

Mounting errors. If the brigade installed plastic windows has relocated slightly gaps, it has been working with a geometry disorder, did not adjust the adjoining - the appearance of problems will not cause himself long to wait.

Wear, breaking the structural elements. Erased gum, looped loops, locks and other fittings - Another reason for the disruption of the microclimate.

Incorrectly selected mode. Modern models have a setting up summer, winter and universal mode. Summer is different from winter weaker pressing of the sash to the frame: if windows are fisted, check the axle.

Fault of the ventilation system. The windows are selected and mounted correctly, but on the surface of the glass are still visible inclined? Check out the work of the drawing in the room - probably the problem in the bad outflow of the stagnant air and the influx of the outer.

Important! Formed water drops inside the glass package - a sign of depressurization. The defective window is subject to replacement.

If the windows in the apartment are strongly offset, do not delay with the elimination of the problem. The resulting high humidity in aggregate with low temperatures can lead to formation on walls, mold slopes, fungus, get rid of which will not be easy.

What if you sweat the windows in the apartment? - 6 working ways and prevention tips 21354_1

How to fix?

As it is clear from the previous section, the reasons for fogging plastic windows can be different. Each of them requires an individual approach and has its own solutions.

Battery is blocked by a tabletop, windowsill, screen

According to the standard GOST, the windowsill should not appear for the radiator more than 60 mm. If the table top is wider - it needs to cut the ventilation holes through which the flow of warm air from the heating devices will rise to the top.

Another way to establish circulation is the usual dense curtain. The fabric in front of the instrument of the heating system serves as a reflector, providing air flow to the cold window.

Using to decorate the lattice batteries - take care that they have the ventilation holes not only in front, but also on top.

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Defects as a result of a violation of the installation rules

The main rule of high-quality installation is the appeal to the proven company to experienced masters. Their work is more expensive, but the savings in this matter can lead to additional costs in the form of a re-order of the highest quality glass package and reinstalling the window.

If the situation has already occurred and the plastic window is established incorrectly, the only way its correction is to refer to the specialists. It is not recommended to correct errors on your own, because the moisture on the surface of the glass package is most likely only the top of the iceberg.

What if you sweat the windows in the apartment? - 6 working ways and prevention tips 21354_3

Worn fitness

When old windows are sweating, which is more than 5-7 years old - it is normal. The accessories of PVC structures have a limited supply of service life: the more active in the window, the faster it is wearing. In addition, the breakdown can be operated in unsuitable conditions: too severe frosts in winter, dry summer, etc.

Major problems arise from the rubber band: worn seals pass fresh air, lead to dew point. The replacement process can be entrusted to a professional, or spend independently - the necessary materials are sold in any construction supermarket.

How to check that the impression is insufficient: Open the window, insert a sheet of paper, close the window tightly. The easier it is to pull out a sheet from a closed window, the worse the sash to the frame is pressed.

What if you sweat the windows in the apartment? - 6 working ways and prevention tips 21354_4

The mode does not match the weather on the street.

The choice of regime is a controversial question. On the one hand, the correct ratio with the temperature helps extend the service life of the sealing gum: in the summer it is experiencing minimal pressure. On the other hand, in the winter window, 100% is sealed, which does not hurt in summer: but there is an increased pressure on the rubber band, it will have to change it more often.

Therefore, in order to ensure the right microclimate and extension of the service life of the fittings, experts recommend to rearrange the mode with the change of seasons. For this:

Open the window sash.

Find on the inside of the eccentric (the so-called assistant, photo as it looks like - below).

Turn to the desired position depending on the option of fittings.

Types of eccentrics:

Oval pin: standing vertically - summer mode, horizontally - winter, diagonally - average value.

Round eccentric: a point or risk is directed inside the room - winter, outward - summer, in the center - universal.

Important! The strong level of pressure should be short-term - a maximum of 2-3 months.

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Ventilation does not work

The easiest way to solve this problem is a banal ventilation. When the droplets are found on the glass, completely open the leaf for 5-10 minutes. Air humidity will be lower, the air temperature is leveled and the water from the glasses will disappear by itself.

If the windows are sweating in the kitchen while cooking, and it is not possible to boil and cook at the same time - turn the forced hood.

The more correct and "advanced" option is to use the supply valves designed specifically for a delicate "blowing".

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Get rid of moisture

This method will be suitable if you do not have the ability to conduct the above procedures. It is to eliminate the consequences, not the reasons.

To work, we will need an adsorbent - a special remedy with a sorbing effect. Sold in construction stores.

At the bottom of the problem frame Fresh Scotch.

Fall in the resulting pocket of the moisture unit.

As moisture is saturated, the balls will change color and they will need to be replaced.

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How to prevent?

Like any problem in the house, fogging is easier to prevent how to fix. For this:

Cut regular windows maintenance. Check the state of the accessories, pull up the breakdown elements, change the gums as wear.

Install automatic supply valves or more often open the sash to microwing mode.

Follow the temperature of the radiator surface. Minimum to avoid condensate - 60C.

Free the windowsill. The reason for which fogging may occur sometimes are houseplants: high humidity is transmitted to glass.

Replace ordinary glasses on heating. For the harsh winters there are warm glazed windows: the principle of operation is similar to heated glass in the car.

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All of the above methods will work only under 2 simple conditions: compliance with the correct humidity and temperature regime. Provide stable radiator operation and get rid of excessive moisture in the air - it is worth checking whether these simple actions can help solve the existing problem.

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