Jazz pianist and composer Chick Corey passed away

Jazz pianist and composer Chick Corey passed away 21339_1

Chick Coria

The famous jazz pianist and composer Chick Corea died at the age of 79

. The cause of death, according to the official statement in Facebook Coria, has become a rare shape of cancer, which was open more recently.

The musician passed from life on February 9, but it became known only now. Despite the age, Chick Corey continued to record albums and actively tour. He repeatedly performed in Moscow: he first arrived in 1982, and the last time - in 2018. In 2019, Coria gave a concert in St. Petersburg.


Caiga Coria's career lasted more than half a century. In the 1960s, he began to perform in the group of Miles Davis, in which Herbian Hancock also played. His first album "Tones for Joan's Bones" came out in 1968, and the last album "Plays" - in 2020. In the 1970s, he created the Return to Forever group. For her career, the artist received 23 Grammy and more than 60 (!) Once nominated for this award.

Kat Stevens, Jacob Collier, Anita Baker, the Disclosure group and many others expressed their condolences.

Stevens shared memories of the legendary artist:

"God, bless Chika Coria, one of the most innovative and passionate musicians, with whom I ever was lucky to work. His musical art and genius is an integer, and not just performances. Now he really returned to eternity. Let peace and tranquility become its supreme achievement. " God Bless @chickcorea, One of the Most Innovative and Inspired Musicians I Ever Had The Privilege to Work with. His Musical Art and Genius Were An Education, Not Just A Performance. HE HAS NOW TRULY RETURNED TO FOREVER. May Peace BE HIS Ultimate Achievement. pic.twitter.com/txvsbqkk6av- yusuf / cat stevens (@yusufcattevens) February 12, 2021

And Disclosure published Corios quotes:

"My secret - I keep interest in things and want to learn. I do not want to be a master. When I study something, I am in my element. " "My One Thing IS I Continue To Be Interested and Want to Be a Student. I don't Want to Be a Master. WHEN I'm Learning Something, I'm in My Element. " - @chickcorea rip ♥ ️ ???????? pic.twitter.com/0v1tpwkm08- disclosure (@disclosure) February 12, 2021

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