Love for iswolf and other Pelevin: How was the first day of work Non / Fictio№22

Love for iswolf and other Pelevin: How was the first day of work Non / Fictio№22 21317_1

"My friends, I am the author of this book, look, - slowly, with the arrangement, a woman in a blouse with cats, turning to people near the stand of one of the publishing houses of the historical profile. "If that if the autograph is needed, approach, I sit there."

The "Living Court", where Non / Fictio№22 book fair is held, through the glass ceiling pours bright sunlight, people walk along the book stands. A man with a long beard begins to sneeze loudly, but surprisingly no one spares from him to the side, everyday life wish to be healthy. The sun shines as if there is already a full spring, and people behave like an epidemic no longer exist. Although neither the other so far is not quite true, it's still frosty on the street, and at the entrance you ask to put on a mask.

- You understand, she has everything about herself, to herself, about himself, to himself ...

- Yes understood!

- I do not like this poetry very much.

The young man puts a new book of faith of polished into a place on the Livebook stand and pulls his girlfriend by the hand towards the "independent alliance" stand. Strictly speaking, this is not one booth, but a lot of grouped counters. Due to the flags similar to the names with names, a group of independent publishers looks like a small unstable fleet in the restless sea of ​​Russian books.

Near it is invariably a hype. If the novelties of large publishers can be bought in any network book, then the books of Libra, the "Yaromir of the Checked", "all free", "rhino" and others would have to be collected in different places.

On non / Fiction, in contrast to other large book fairs, the range is more or less predictable and verified, although exceptions happen.

- This is a Chinese detective, classic, "the woman tells for the bench to two middle-aged ladies with lush hairstyles. - I even admitted with the son of this author, imagine? He answered me so politely ...

"No, I don't want Chinese," Ladies are answered in one voice.

- And this is a steam punk, an erotic detective, maybe, will interest?

- Oh-oh, I wonder - the ladies overlook and giggle.

- The main heroine wondered the fatal passion for the waswolf.

- No, whele is not mine!

- In vain, you so, love evil, love and ... Wolf.

Glass "Aquariums" are preparing for lectures and presentations. Among the classical repertoire declared in the poster, for example, the discussions about the actual prose under the auspices of the editorial office of Elena Shubina, there are also surprises.

"Never of the Belgians do not swear Russian blood" - this is the name of one of the events within the Non / Fiction. Looking at this line in the program, several times wiped his eyes, but the text has not changed. However, it turned out that the project under such a name has existed for a long time ago, and the public organization "ELBA" even shot the same documentary.

"Well, not Nabokov, of course, but you can read," says the young man to his friend, showing the book "My Dark Vanessa" to the earned recently, Kate Elizabeth Russell about the love journal of a teenage girl with an adult lecturer. By the way, the showcase is installed in space between the rows, entitled "current books". On the showcase, the new Roman Guseli Yakhina "Echelon on Samarkand" and the press secretary of Alexei Navalny Kira Apad "Incredible Adventures in the Women's Camera No. 3" gently pressed to each other bindings. Both recently received their portion of the scandal, Yakhin in the best traditions of the book piano were accused of plagiarism, and the hype around the fair was connected directly with the fair.

The presentation of her books were canceled, according to the organizers, the initiative proceeded from the holding "AST / Eksmo" holding, which makes the Corpus published. But some are confident that it was not without a call "from above." The consequences of the incidents were more likely to benefit, immediately several authors stated that as part of the presentation of their books, it was intended to present a canceled belch. At the same time, her home arrest was extended by her, and attend the presentation, if she took place, even by video, she could not.

At the fair an impressive section of children's and teenage literature. "There will be even a two-hander from this book from this book" - advertise a book on one of the stands.

Interestingly, in recent years, the type of book counters has changed in Russia, they have become more reminding the space of European bookstores and less - warehouse of waste paper. Some seriously abandoned the decoration of their own stand. For example, the backdrop of the Publishing House "Gorodets" is a collage depicting four writers in full growth with guitars in the hands of the executable classic Location "All You Need Is Book". In the photo Dmitry Danilov, Frederick Begder, Andrei Gelasimov and Alexander Pelevin. The Roman of the last "Pokrov-17" entered the Long-List of the National Bestseller 2021 award, and, discussing it, critics inevitably say that now the larger Pelevine writers have become two, and it will take a little more time as the younger will stop associate with the elders.

"Oh, Pelevin, our all!" - says the girl, twisting in the hands of "Pokrov-17", and a man behind the "City" bench is clearly going with thoughts to figure out how to answer it.

Non / Fiction, in whatever place it is, is able to not fall into the atmosphere of a solid event and remains precisely the fair on which they walk, sometimes stop and form groups to talk and argue. About the stand of the Publishing House of Ad Marginem are people, the appearance of which refers to the great store on the baked in the 2000s, and loudly buried postmodernism. I think, go to them and tell the story, as on the beach in Italy, we found in the summer with the children of the dead rhinoceros, gave him proper honors and buried in the sand, but after half an hour they saw that the grave was excavated, and in the distance glittered black rebuilding away from Russian psychos beetles.

But the desire to talk about postmodernism outweighs the intention to look at some kind of discussion, which is about to begin in one of the halls. At the event entitled "Psychological difficulties and prevention of the burnout of creative freelancers", I decide not to go so as not to break. But the name "Imaginary Estonia" intrigues.

Photo: Provided by the press service of the fair Non / Fictio№22, Valeria Danilova

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