When in the firing frost, children are better to stay at home


With the warming of the climate in winter we can never wait for cold and snow. Some winters are surprised by a record high

When for all three months, children do not see snow, and adults go in autumn jackets. But this year, the winter was pleased with the abundance of snow and Trescchy Moroz. And we, unprepared, look at the thermometer with horror, whose column falls below - 15 degrees, and do not understand how we

In such winter weather.

When in the firing frost, children are better to stay at home 21304_1

Is it possible to go to walk with a child in the frost

When adults are used to warm winter weather, it becomes a real test for them in the morning to get to a kindergarten or just go to the store with the baby. It seems that, fresh frosty air is useful for a children's body, but, on the other hand, are there any restrictions for walking? After all, even warmly dressed child can get frostbite, not to mention his thermal-loving parents.

According to the sanitary standards, which Russian kindergartens adhere to, the walk should be short, if the air temperature drops below -15 degrees, and wind speed is not lower than 7 km / s. Crumbs up to 3.5-4 years old should not withdraw for a walk in the frost and a strong wind, and older children (from 5 to 7 years old) do not need to collect outside, if there is a twenty-perdus frost.

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When you can not attend kindergarten or school

There are no generally accepted standards for visiting educational institutions and children's gardens in Russia. Every region is given freedom in making a decision, close school or kindergarten at the time of severe frosts, or not. This year, the authorities of Chelyabinsk, Tyumen and some other regions closed schools and kindergartens due to weather conditions.

Usually pupils of kindergartens and junior schoolchildren can stay at home if the air temperature falls below -20-25 degrees. Students of medium and high schools do not learn when frost is 26-31 degrees.

On a note! In Moscow, educational institutions adhere to the standards of sanitary standards, and in Krasnodar can cancel the lessons at temperatures -15 degrees. In Yakutia, it is accustomed to the cold, so students may not attend school only when the thermometer column falls below 42-45 degrees.
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Reviews of parents

Elena, Samara:

"The son goes to the kindergarten in any weather, as we work with your husband, and there is no one to sit at home with it. But when the air temperature dropped to -27 degrees, while he rose a strong wind, and my husband and I decided to leave the son of the house. And then in the general chat, the teacher wrote that the kindergarten would be closed. We must go to the kindergarten for about 15 minutes, and it is not a fact that the car would start on such a cold. In general, they took in the work of the fervor and stayed at home. "

Svetlana, Minsk:

"We have not had such a winter for a long time, like this year. It was raining for the new year, and then frostly hit frosts. The older daughter canceled the lessons at school, but the kindergarten continued to work. Theoretically, we could take the younger son to the group, but the parents unsubscribe that no one was going to lead children in such weather. Now heptaled, -15 degrees, so we plan to start visiting the garden. "
When in the firing frost, children are better to stay at home 21304_4

Ekaterina, Moscow:

"From birth, I walk with my daughter every day, before dinner and in the evening. The daughter will soon be 2 years old, she loves walking. But when it's cold on the street, we stay at home. Despite the fact that we use protective creams, the cheeks from the wind in the baby are covered with a red crust, begin to peel. My body is generally hard to carry frost and wind. I immediately get hard to breathe, the head begins to spin. Although we dress warmly, but it does not save in a strong frost. It is better to overcome this weather at home, but to walk when the snowball and light minus. "

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