Vaccine "Epivakkoron" forms three immune protection lines from COVID-19


The world economy due to the coronavirus pandemic experienced the largest recession over the past 90 years, the development of countries can slow down for 10 years. Such conclusions are published in the UN report. To prevent the worst scenario, the United Nations called for urgent measures, the main one is vaccination.

In Russia, the pace of the vaccination campaign is increasing. In the Moscow injecting has already made over a million people. The metropolitan mayor Sergey Sobyanin called on the inhabitants not to postpone vaccination to avoid a new surgery of morbidity, and the Governor of the Leningrad Region appealed to the Deputy Prime Minister Tatiana Golikova asking to allow the entry for our compatriots who live in Finland and Estonia for vaccination. Points are deployed in border cities.

In accordance with the order of the government, the Russians have the right of only one-time departure to the place of permanent residence, most of them have already benefited. Especially in Finland, a new strain has been revealed, which may be more contagious.

At the same time, an alarming tendency is recorded: the elderly is increasingly different, they were long on isolation. They, as the doctors explain, did not have immunization. To reverse the situation, pensioners are convincingly called upon to be vaccinated.

Complete move is the vaccination of the military. In Voronezh, vaccinations are doing on the eve of garrison training, and in the Volga region before the start of the spring call, which starts on April 1, the vaccination of employees of military commissariats is completed.

In Russia, they expand the opportunities for those who want to be hidden from

The final stage began the final testing of the third Russian vaccine from coronavirus. "Kovivak" will test thousands of volunteers. Those who have chronic diseases, including autoimmune, oncological, diabetes, will take part in studies.

The creators of the Vaccine "Kovivak" plan to produce 10 million ampoules per year

In Rospotrebnadzor, they said that the drug "Epivakkoron", made by the "Vector" center, based on the results of the study showed the formation of 3 immune protection lines, which does not give the virus to penetrate the cell, prevents its distribution and destroys hostile proteins.

In Russia, they expand the opportunities for those who want to be hidden from

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