What changes in the laws on housing and communal services and real estate in 2021?


The pandemic has greatly influenced the economy and the real estate market, so last year the government applied a number of state support measures. We understand which ones will not be valid in 2021 and what innovations are valid from January 1.

Tax deductions for the sale of real estate

NDFL for real estate sellers who own it from three to five years, remained the same - 13%. But now this tax can be reduced. In addition to the standard tax deduction, it was possible to reduce the taxable amount once again if adding deductions that were not used for the year.

If you decide to sell real estate, which we own less than three years, you also have an option to reduce the amount of tax. To do this, you need to use a tax deduction for paying studies or part of the affected social deduction for treatment.

What changes in the laws on housing and communal services and real estate in 2021? 21298_1

Real estate tax - for cadastral value

Since the new year, real estate taxes will be calculated only in cadastral value. This applies to all regions of the Russian Federation, except Sevastopol.

The new order will be implemented in two stages: from 2021 to 2023 there is a preferential calculation with reduced coefficients, after - at full cadastral value, if the increase is not more than 10% per year.

Remote mode for real estate transactions

Pandemic did not pass by us: So, from January 1, 2021, we can make real estate transactions in remote mode.

Now sell, give real estate or conclude an agreement at a distance. The main thing is that at least two notaries should participate in the procedure - one from each participant in the transaction.

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New fire fighting rules

In fireproof rules change:
  • You can not install external blocks of air conditioners on the staircases and corridors;
  • It is forbidden to keep personal belongings not only in attics, but also on the ground floors of residential buildings;
  • Cannot be left on the balcony unattended candles and not extended cigarettes;
  • You can use gas equipment only if it has passed maintenance.

Changes in receiving compensation for housing and communal services

Get compensation for housing and communal services will be easier. The main thing is that the applicant does not open a judicial act on the recovery of debt, which has already entered into force.

For comparison: before compensation, it was necessary to submit evidence of the monthly payment of the LCA and have no debt.

What changes in the laws on housing and communal services and real estate in 2021? 21298_3

Defrosting of recovery in debt for housing

From January 1, 2021, it will begin to recover a penalty with the physically in the presence of debts for housing and utilities services. Many debtors risk - they can turn off electricity and water.

Reducing the timing of the State Registration of DDU

The deadlines for the state registration of shares agreements will be reduced to five working days, and in the case of an electronic form - up to three.

What changes in the laws on housing and communal services and real estate in 2021? 21298_4

The law on "dacha amnesty" extended for another 5 years

Once again, the law on "Country Amnesty" has extended - until March 1, 2026.

According to him, summer residents will be able to simplify the rights to residential or garden houses, which are built on a land plot designed to conduct citizens of horticulture, for individual housing construction or to conduct personal subsidiary farms.

Dachniks are no longer obliged to call for general meetings

From the new year, the day and time of the annual general meeting and its agenda can be simply made to the charter, and members of the SNT Board are not obliged to notify all members of the partnership.

The exception is the acute questions that arose in unforeseen and not registered in the Charter.

What changes in the laws on housing and communal services and real estate in 2021? 21298_5

Cancellation of the Employment

During a pandemic, the government allowed developers who froze the construction for several weeks, do not pay a penalty for the delay in the delivery of objects.

Since January 2021, all payments of tombstones returned to the previous regime.

Penalties per failure of the timing of social objects

From the 2021th, the government plans to finant developers who break the deadlines for the delivery of social facilities (schools, kindergartens, clinic and engineering infrastructure) planned in the construction of residential complexes.

Geographically, this will still concern only Moscow.

What changes in the laws on housing and communal services and real estate in 2021? 21298_6

The article uses materials from the site cyan.ru

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