They are popro $ or, they could not refuse: why Qatar plays in the European selection

They are popro $ or, they could not refuse: why Qatar plays in the European selection 21296_1

They are popro $ or, they could not refuse: why Qatar plays in the European selection

- Football

Many fans were surprised when they saw that the Qatar team spends matches against European teams from the group A of the qualifying cycle to the 2022 World Championship. What is it? New Football Realities or Qatar changed the Confederation? Everything is simple - Qatar wanted to receive gaming practice, and officials from FIFA could not refuse. We understand how it turned out at all.

In search of practice

The story of the victory of the request of Qatar for the World Cup 202 is still many questions. Many are confident that there was not without solid petrodollars in certain pockets, but at the moment all attempts to deprive Qatar Mundial fell.

Qatar became the first national team since 1934, which for the first time made his way to the world championship only due to the fact that the hostess of the tournament. At the dawn, the formation of football was the national team of Italy.

In 2010, when Qatar won the right to spend the world championship, he held the 114th position in the FIFA rating, ahead of such "giants" as the prefabricated Suriname, Tanzania, Salvador, Guatemala and Zimbabwe.

By 2021, Qatar committed high-quality jerk forward. Now the mistress of the future World Cup is already on the 58th position, ahead of the second, the teams of Côte d'Ivoire, Slovenia, Montenegro and Albania.

Such a jerk has happened in recent years, or rather from 2019, when Qatar sensationally won the Asian Cup, playing the Japan national team in the decisive match.

After that, there were no large tournaments for the owner of the future World Cup, and cunning katari functionaries turned to quite a pragmatic guy from FIFA.

Conspiring FIFA officials

What did the Qataris offered? In 2019, they are sensationally declared to America's Cup, where they obviously nobody waited. Moreover, in contrast to the current selection for the World Championship, the Qatari national team played quite officially. No friendly matches.

Qatar found himself in a group in where her rivals were teams Colombia, Argentina and Paraguay. For three matches, the courageous Qatari team managed to dial one point, playing in a pen with a paragument.

This experience of Qatar perceived for himself as positively and began to actively ask FIFA to give them a ticket and other tournaments of international confederations. Agreement was achieved that the Qatar team will play on the Gold Cup Concacafe 2021, and again as a full-fledged participant.

And, in conclusion, the Qatar team persuaded FIFA to play friendly matches with teams from the group A in the European selection. Naturally, no one asked the teams.

2 Prefabs are ready to boycott the World Cup

Dissatisfaction with football catarr in Europe is still great. It is not enough that no one likes the maximum fifa loyalty in relation to this country, the European public is concerned about violation of human rights in Qatar.

The first were the Norwegians who went to the match against Gibraltar in Human Rights T-shirts ("Human Rights"), and after that they were supported by the German national team. Players also endowed special T-shirts, making the same inscription - Human Rights.

It all started with the investigation of the British tabloid The Guardian. It notes that more than six thousand migrants from Asia and Africa died during the construction of infrastructure to the CM-2022.

It is said that some European teams seriously consider the CM-2022 boycottation issue, and Bavaria, this sponsor is Qatar Airways, plans to break the contract with the Qatari airlines.

FIFA President Janni Infantino is still fighting from all the attacks, assuring that Qatar has achieved serious progress in terms of respecting human rights, but everyone understands that FIFA is simply afraid of losing colossal money.

Maxim Malyukov


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