Apple's next presentation will be held March 23. What will appear on it


Apple events never become a surprise for real brand fans. As a rule, in a couple of weeks, and even a month before the intended presentation, some insider or an analyst will definitely solve the date, the format of its holding and at least an approximate list of new products that can be submitted on it. Of course, sometimes predictions do not come true, and Apple not only does not produce expected by all products, but does not even conduct the event itself. But we hope that the rumors about the presentation on March 23 will still come true.

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The next batch of new apple will be reddown on March 23

Apple has been developing mysterious gloves for 10 years. Why didn't we see them?

According to Macrumors, the first Apple presentation will be held on March 23 this year. Since it remains only two weeks, it is obvious that this week the company will announce its conduct. Of course, if the rumors are true. And, given that Apple every year in March released one or two new products, the likelihood that the same thing is waiting for us this year, remains very high. After all, even if the official presentation is not, the spring series of new products in Cupertino, most likely will be released anyway.

What Apple will present on the presentation on March 23

It is expected that in the March event - if it, of course, will take place - we will present at least three new items. Let's talk about each separately.

What is AirTag
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Presumably this ring from Airtag, which can be worn as a key chain

Airtag is a search tracker for what you would think - search for missing items. Despite the fact that no one has ever seen him, it is obvious that he will have a shape of a small keyfob and work on the battery. Most likely, it will be a round "tablet" like CR2032, which feed the kitchen scales and Xiaomi wireless switches. Unlike similar solutions, AIRTAG should not work on Bluetooth, but by UWB, passing a signal to its owner through the iPhones passing by users.

Initially, everyone was very afraid that Airtag could be used non-intended, for example, for surveillance. Therefore, they even expressed concerns that the tracker would not be allowed to officially sell in Russia. But in iOS 14.5, Apple added a mechanism for defining Airtag's other people's definition from the iPhone and allowed them to turn them off if the smartphone had suspicions that he could be monitored.

What will be iPad Pro 2021
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iPad Pro 2021 most likely will really be released on March 23

The second novelty is the iPad Pro 2021. The second, because Apple branded tablets although they are very technologically, but have long been quite familiar. Most likely, this year, Apple will continue to develop a line of professional "tablets" and will offer users a new A14X processor, which will replace the actual two-year A12Z, and possibly the screen performed using miniled technology.

Such screens are distinguished by a high level of brightness, contrast, do not fade, unlike traditional amoled matrices, and provide a juicy picture. Miniled is not an apple's own development, but the company has made a lot of effort to develop them, improving technology over the past few years. Obviously, it is the display that will be the main advantage of the novelties, because the rest of users will not be surprised.

Cheap airpods 3.
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Airpods 3 will be among the average between Airpods 2 and Airpods Pro

The third generation airpods promise to become something average between Airpods Pro and Airpods 2. From the first they will receive intra-channel design and high sound quality, and from the second - the minimum price and the minimum feature set. Of course, no one will lose their ears in the ears to the ears, but the new generation of active noise cancellations will most likely not be. The same influences the "transparency" function, which allowed listening to music and what is happening around.

Most likely, the price of Airpods 3 will be approximately at the same level as the price of Airpods 2 - 200-220 dollars. To ask for them more Apple will not allow the reluctance to create competition within one model range, but also to evaluate the novelty is cheaper too. Still, the intra-channel form factor, a higher sound quality at the expense of new drivers and, most likely, support for wireless charging will increase the cost of headphones. Therefore, I would suggest to navigate $ 200.

New Apple 2021 Presentation

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Apple's presentation shooting is quite expensive, and spend every time explicitly companies are not with hands.

In principle, there were even rumors about the new MacBook Pro and IMAC with miniled-displays and the M1X processor, as well as about iPhone SE 3, but I would not count on their release. Most likely, Apple computers will save for autumn - traditional time for such releases of the year, and the subflagramian smartphone of the new generation this year should not be waiting at all. Practice shows that the company prefers not to part with them and give consumers to promote the devices of this type and carefully bousing on new things.

Apple time to abandon Cheka and return the touch ID into the iPhone. Agree?

Will Apple hold a presentation on March 23 or will release all the novelties outside the framework of official events - a big question. In previous years, the company prefers simply producing spring new items in quiet, accompanying their release with simple press releases. It is highly likely that the same thing happens this year. Still, recording a presentation in the form in which Apple records them lately requires a lot of preparation and there is a certain amount of considerable money, so it would be quite logical not to spend money on the presentation of the passing innovations.

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