The wife did not respember my money and constantly saved. I did the opposite and the money was more. I'll tell you what

The wife did not respember my money and constantly saved. I did the opposite and the money was more. I'll tell you what 21252_1

From each iron shouts that you need to tighten the belt with pleasure, spend less, save more and so on. My spouse on these bikes was led and, because she heads a family budget, he saved hard on everything. As a result, we did not have vacations, we could afford little, and there was no speech about the accumulations. Then I decided to take the brings of the family budget control into your hands. Looking forward to say that without searching for the new work of money in our family, it became much more.

The secret of the sensation of the money supply lies in the fact that not the essence of how much we earn, it is important how we manage. My principles of spending money are not secret for seven seals, but 99% of Russia inhabitants do not come as much as I do. That is why they vocate quite poor existence.

The first thing I did when I stopped giveing ​​my wife's money was announced by the new manifest of expenses. I quickly redeemed all the debts and refused life on credit.

Secondly, I told my spouse that we would now live on 25 thousand rubles per month anymore I did not earn (and I earn much more than this amount).

I completely changed my financial thinking

Now, when I think to spend another amount of money, I look at the price not as a consumption, but as an investment. This is a very significant moment. Try to experience it on yourself - look at expenses, as an investment and your desires to make senseless purchases melting, like snow in spring.

My wife does not know how to look at the consumable part and constantly makes emotional purchases. If you want to improve your financial condition, then always consciously consciously, that is, invest money.

I put the goal to start living like an order

To live, as an order means that I work, putting funds to the assets, I get percent from the assets. Here for these percentage I can live. Of course, at the stage of becoming passive income, it is difficult to create a powerful stream of financial flow, but I have already gotten with small streams.

Now I look at the money, like on seeds. I plan them, grows sunflower, which has a whole basket of these seeds. Part of the seeds I fall again, and another part of the removal. This is the life of Earlier.

It should be understood that not every seed will go up. Somewhere she will be rotten (like a ruble), somewhere the soil will be ungifted (as some shares), which means the seed will disappear.

That this was not necessary to provide yourself with a large number of sowing seeds. It is called to master the big cushion of cash. Perfect if it is multicurrented.

Having passed this stage, investing the first money (invested in mutual effects), I began to receive passive income. Today I can no longer imagine how you can not invest money and how you can live on one salary (it is more time to spend it).

I seriously correcting my financial situation I even thought to change my wife, but still I live with the old.

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