20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question: "Who made it?"


Be creative and productive for 40 hours per week - the task is not easy. Everyone sometimes there are failures, and this is normal. But there are such manufacturers and designers, the works of which cause only bewilderment and many questions.

We in ADME.RU We believe that these 20 workers wanted as best and they are just time for a long labor vacation.

1. "I wanted to Kazan, and came to the execution"

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© **** _ bam_ / twitter

2. This candle melted a candlestick

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© bekleyis95 / Reddit

3. "I bought a headphone bandage. Just now I have to literally beat myself on my head to switch the song »

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Big _-_ *** y / reddit

4. "Tablets are stuck at the bottom of the bank. I already tried it to shake it well - it does not help. I will dig a knife "

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Makikisalilang / Reddit

5. In this garland, only green and red lights are real. The rest are Mula.y.

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:

6. And you can not?

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Doctor_Mengele / Twitter

7. This is the scoreboard in a long-distance bus. It can not be turned off or at least reduce brightness

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© SPCHRRR / Reddit

8. "In the instructions it is written:" Gray plug in a gray socket, white - in white. " But on both plugs there are gray and white colors. "

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© EditsReddits / Reddit

9. "Recently bought new cosmetics. And only now found that some of the shadows are unsafe for the eyes. This is written on white letters on a light background "

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© pmmeyourfear / Reddit

10. Salt Bank, which is impossible to close

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Spread-Positivity / Reddit

11. It seems to him not explained how it should be a pop

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Unknown Author / Imgur

12. Ding Ding, is it?

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© jeanlucdpg / reddit

13. "Door in our hospital." The photo is not inverted

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:

14. So give up or not?

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Davain *** A / Twitter

15. In the restaurant for motorists, the terminal receiving orders is located in front of the menu

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:

16. No, this is not toilet paper. This is cheese

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© saice101 / reddit

17. Decorative inserts in the soul resemble huge pieces of meat

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Lalavilala / Reddit

18. Packaging of apples was placed by a snow white, which poisoned with an apple

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© RED_ROLO09 / Reddit

19. Especially for kind and cheerful

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© Nothing_in_it / Twitter, © Nothing_in_It / Twitter

20. "Now the legs look like a 3-year-old child painted them."

20 designers and manufacturers whose works are only one question:
© pkkbler22 / reddit

And with what creations of grief-designers and manufacturers have you come across?

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