Open Letter Zack Brown McLaren Fans


Open Letter Zack Brown McLaren Fans 21237_1

A few days before the first race of the season, the head of McLaren Zac Brown wrote an open letter to the fans of the British team ...

Dear McLaren fans,

In this weekend we will return to your favorite case: races. We are united by a passion for gambling chase and checking at the limit of the possibilities of riders, teams and cars. But what can we expect in 2021? Talk about the stable regulations and the fact that cars have practically not changed, they have the impression that we are preparing to continue last season, and not to a new one. But in McLaren it is not. We start the season with the new composition of pilots, a new power installation and new investments.

In the face of Lando and Daniel, we got the most exciting pair of partners in Peloton: ascending star and racing winner. They are both incredibly fast, full of energy and ambitions, like all employees who target the team forward.

By turning on the reference power plant in Formula 1, we made another important step on the way to return to the top, but this will not solve all problems magically. Obtaining long-term investments at the end of last year, combined with budgetary constraints led to the fact that we received financial power, which will begin to begin the struggle on equal terms with our rivals.

2021 - not just 2021 year. We are waiting for preparations for the 2022, when a new era comes in Formula 1. The greatest changes in the regulations in recent years have been seriously challenged, but at the same time discover the fantastic opportunities for changing the balance of strength and continue our struggle for returning to the number of leaders.

We must not forget that all this happens during a global pandemic. Together with Formula 1, FIA and other teams, last year we took reasonable and active decisions that allowed to protect people and the future of sports. Decisions made me confidence that when clouds dispel, Formula 1 will be in a better position than it was to COVID-19.

Ensuring long-term health of sports means recognition of our responsibility for sustainability, including each action and solution. We are still committed to the agenda of Formula 1 to achieve sustainable development.

The team works tightly with Formula 1 to positively influence the world in which we live, and to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. This includes achieving greater diversity, equality and inclusiveness in our company and in sports. Our voices are louder when we are united and use sports power for positive changes.

Despite the unprecedented problems with which we collided over the past twelve months, determination, teamwork and courage of all men and women in McLaren were brighter than ever before. These people, together with the fantastic support of our partners and fans, the greatest source of my inspiration. I am with excitement and optimism waiting for the future.

We have a breathtaking and difficult year ahead, but we have already begun well. Let's do it, whatever we should be!


Source: Formula 1 on

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