How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays

How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays 21230_1
How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays angelique

As they say, after the New Year holidays need another weekend. Long holidays requires more periods to put themselves in order. We will talk about this today.

How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays angelique

You need to pay attention to two aspects: nutrition and leather.

After the New Year holidays need to eat

Maximum quickly need to return to normal nutrition. And it will be better if you start to eat 5 times a day. There is more often, but less. The less serving, the easier it will be the body. But this does not mean that you need to eat one spoon. All the same need energy.

You need to add more vitamins and acidified fluid to the diet. For example, tea with lemon. Excellent options to bring themselves adequate condition. As for the water, it needs to be drinking abundantly. Fuss from the body all the "nasty", which was accumulated. Drink up approximately liter 2 water, not liquid, and water.

How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays angelique

Some are advised within 30 minutes before meals drink a glass of lemon water. But how much will it be useful? Some cannot be drinking such a liquid on an empty stomach. But it's all individually. By the way, an individual approach to nutrition will be one of the trends of healthy nutrition in 2021. We have already written an article about it.

Unambiguously forget for some period of alcoholic beverages, soda, and so on. You need water, tea and coffee.

Clean yourself can be coal with activated. Be careful if you take other drugs. With the sorbent you need to be very careful. Previously, after 2 hours, it is impossible to take the drug after coal.

How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays angelique

Observe the diet. Light food, diet is balanced, a small amount of fats. After about weeks 2, you can gradually add dairy products (kefir, yogurt).

As a rule, after the New Year holidays, the stock of vitamin C on zero. Therefore, you need to replenish it.

Give fresh skin face after holidays

Give the skin to relax from the "putty". Try not to use tonal creams and powder at least two weeks.

How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays angelique

If under the eyes of "bags with potatoes", then cooling compresses will help. Well, no one canceled patches.

And best of all will wipe the skin with ice cubes. But not water, and chamomile decrain, sage, green tea and lemon juice.

We understand that now finding a fresh cucumber is not so simple, because winter. But cool will make a mask from cucumber. And do not forget about moisturizing. In the cold period of the year, this is a particularly important point in skin care.

How to put yourself in order after the New Year holidays angelique

And just in case we will offer a contrast shower. He is perfectly ill and tones. If you are not afraid of cool water, then you will like the result of such water procedures after the New Year holidays.

We hope that they helped you. By the way, there is an article on the site how to reset festive kilograms.

Be healthy!

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