Slums and humans built according to outdated technologies affect global warming


This article will cause an extremely stormy discussion, therefore it is not worth reading people who consider Khrushchev to riding engineering thought, and wooden barracks erected with USSR-architectural pearls. It will be about a huge old residential foundation, which is so archaic in its energy efficiency that energy losses are substantial in it.

Buildings generate almost 40% of greenhouse gases every year

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Many will not be able to realize this and will consider these statements by unfounded. However, this is so. In Europe, they do not act by the method of the brilliant graph of Potemkin and if they do something, they do not do it feather and not for the purpose of self-organizing, but are suitable for solving problems comprehensively and with German pedantry and scarpurality.

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In Europe, a separate garbage collection is not carried out

Of course, do something on the scale of one house, introducing something new, no effect will bring. Therefore, in 2016, the National Laboratory of Renewable Energy Sources (NREL) together with the US Department of Energy (DOE) launched an interesting project Zero Energy District ACCElerator.

The goal of the project was the exchange of advanced experience and the provision of technical and consulting support to groups wishing to implement various new technologies in a district scale in a residential and foundation. Since any reduction in energy losses reduces the fee fee. There know how to appreciate the money and no one will pay empty.

As a result, an understanding was achieved that it was necessary to plan and create only in a district scale. Create a smart area. All area buildings are integrated into a single engineering network and each object contributes to the energy efficiency of other buildings. For example, on a higher-speed building, you can install more solar panels to generate electricity.

In all buildings, energy-saving technologies are put forward at first place. Somewhere increases the glazing area, so that the light has not turned on as long as possible. In all rooms, outdated doping lamps are not used without exception.

Architecture and engineering solutions turn home into the semblance of thermos when the house has minimal heat loss. Imagine how much you would last in our man when disconnecting heating in - 15.

In one of the past plots, we have already told that even self-equipped electric cars are created, which can be charged from the energy of the Sun.

For example, heat can save due to the exchange of heat between buildings. That is, the exhaust coolant can be served in other buildings, as the heat loss is small and to give the technical premises. For example, in the United States, the future National Western Center announced that it will receive almost 90 percent of its heating and cooling from an underground sewer pipeline - a recycled source of thermal energy.

After the construction is completed, the system with a capacity of 3.8 megawatts (MW) will be the largest recovery system of sewage heat in North America. The advantages of this system include as a result, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving the energy efficiency of buildings and improving air quality and public health.

The heat energy is pulled out of the sewage drain instead of burning natural gas. It looks like this, went washed, and warm water washed off the system.

But such solutions require significant investments at the initial stage, and a regular reduction in costs will be gradually. In the case of a large-scale introduction of "smart" districts, the quality of our life will increase, and we will pay less. When will this appear in Russia?

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