13 rules of a successful woman who need to follow (no)

13 rules of a successful woman who need to follow (no) 21176_1

Column Ira Zezyusulina

I came across the network at the next post under the code name "Successful Success". If briefly, there were women there for courses that will make them successful. And so I thought, and who is this most successful woman? Is she rich? Attractive? Between her hips after pregnancy still there is a clearance? So, stop, she generally gave birth (speak with reproach and challenge)? And she has a man? Or can the cat?

In general, I decided to pretend to be a parent coaching (bad) and sketch several rules, using which you can become a successful woman in our society.

So, let's go.

Be beautiful

Always! At work, after work, before work. I gave birth yesterday, and today you look not very? So you just try hard! Just get up early to find time for yourself. Yes, at 6:30 pm normally.

Be happy

Woman should exude optimism, joy and welcome. Especially when she became a mother. This is such happiness when the kid wakes up every 40 minutes to confuse your nipple to the blood. If you are sad - do not be sad! Remember that depression came up with lazy people who have nothing to do.

Take care of her husband

He is so tired at work while you rest on maternity leave! After you put the baby on the next 40-minute approach, put on lace underwear, bra with Push-Up the Effect, sprinkle with a dozen times that your press looks more attractive, and go to give yourself my husband. Just look if he is sleeping hard, it is better not to be awake - it's early to get a job in the morning.

If I have not understood, then the child

Preferably a boy - the continuation of the kind. And then for the kit, you can go after the girl.

Become more attractive after childbirth

Your stomach should leave back in the maternity hospital, and with him acne, chronic diseases and pain during menstruation. Births rejuvenate! Who tells the opposite, just fighters that other women do not give birth and do not get happier.

Return to the form

Sports and eat right with your infant very simple. True, you will have to get up a little early. Yes, at 5:30 am normally. At the same time, prepare all useful and delicious breakfast.

Now you are thin (but not skinny), which means you can wear any fashionable clothes

But you dress somehow increasingly. You are a mother!

Listen to the advice of relatives

They lived and know exactly how for you and your child is better. Be always glad to see them to see at 9 am Saturdays and to listen to their invaluable experience.

Teaching the child do not cry. He is a man!

Even if not lucky, and the girl was born, try to explain to her as early as possible to her that she should be polite and quiet.

Do not go to people with a child

Until you teach him to behave correctly.


But so that I could get out and pick up a child from the garden and carry on the developments. Can you find a job? Well, you know, just stand early. AT HALF PAST FOUR? Fine!


Decree is the best time to finally learn English, master the new profession and in general to become a more interesting interlocutor. To do this, you need a little perseverance, and if you do not find it, just get up a little early. At 3:30 great!

Find a hobby that will give you pleasure

True, you will have to carve out a little personal time. Need to get up somewhere in the 2010th.

The hobby should be feminine, beautiful, spectacular. You can choose music, drawing, vocals, aerobics - in general, it can be anything. But not a dream.

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