Sea Fish: What to choose and how to cook


Sea fish every year is used in cooking more and more. Many options appear in the stores in fresh, frozen and canned form.

In this article we will tell about the most popular marine fish, how to choose it right and for what to use.

Pink salmon

The pump has not very fat fillets, which is why it is often overwhelmed when cooking.

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The pump is better to marine or bake directly in the sauce. In addition, it can be prepared in other familiar ways - fry, bake grilled, stew.


Sea fish, which has white diet meat. Dorada practically does not have bones and can be prepared in various ways.

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Fish In general, you can bake using salt, fry on the grill or knock with the addition of various sauces. Some even use a dorada to food in a semi-formation.


Tender Flambula has a sweet taste, which is distinguished from many species of sea fish. It can not always be found on the counter store. But if it turned out to find a good carcass, you should know some secrets of her cooking.

This sea fish is delicious in itself, so you do not need to serve it with bright sauces that will "score" taste.

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Fille Cambals almost does not have bones and can prepare all the standard ways. This type of fish is suitable for those who adhere to diet food.

Recall that earlier we have already written about 6 products that you can eat overnight and not be afraid to recover.


It is a fish from the family of salmon is considered one of the most common. Its fatty meat has a bright taste and rich red. The salmon caviar also considers salmon caviar, which most often can be seen on store shelves.

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Cooking this seabed can be used in different ways. But there is one classic universal recipe - this is a baked salmon with spices. We have already written about it in an article about simple dishes that you need to be able to prepare everyone.


In stores, the cavities are sold in a fresh, frozen, as well as ready-made form (salty or smoked).

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This sea fish has white, dense, sweet-sour meat. Gentle fillet has almost no bones. It is possible to prepare white fish in combination with vegetables.

In addition to direct meat, the caviar of the cavity is also used in food. It is noted that in its properties, it is very similar to the usual red and black caviar.


Juicy and oily marine fish, which in our areas is found only in the form of canned food. It is believed that such canned food is really delicious after the ordering.

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Add product to light soups, salads, rollouts or pies. Fresh sardine is prepared by all traditional ways.


This seaside fish refers to the category of very valuable and is used in cooking. Herring meat is very juicy and fat.

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Most often, the slave is arranged and used in pure form or used as an ingredient for various dishes. Not many know, but already saline herring can be baked or fry.


Sea fish, which is difficult to confuse with other species. Perhaps this is due to a very saturated taste and aroma, which are fully disclosed in the cooking process.

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The fillet is gentle and rather fat, almost without small bones.

You can find frozen mackerel, which is perfect for baking, pickling or roasting. You can also buy smoked or saline fish.


A very popular species of fish that has a layered white meat. Fat in cod little, but high quality protein, on the contrary, a lot. For this reason, the cod belongs to the category of dietary products.

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The texture of meat is very gentle, also in food is actively used and the liver of cod. Although this body has a more specific bitter taste, it is rich in iodine, fatty omega-3 acids, as well as vitamins A and D.

Cod is considered a universal product that can be cooked as you like: bake, fry, sleep, add to soup or salad.


Due to the large amount of iron in the tuna meat, painted in a characteristic pink color. File has an unusual structure and refined taste.

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Tuna is used everywhere: for the preparation of sushi, salads, sandwiches, pizza and just as an independent dish.

But it is worth remembering about the danger of this fish. We talked about this in the article about the products that become poison in overdose.

And what kind of sea fish most like you? Share your favorite recipes in the comments!

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