The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care

The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_1

Hippeastrum is a plant from the amarylline family with colorful and bright colors. In total there are about 90 varieties of the flower, but terry varieties are considered the most beautiful flower water. With good care, the plant will bloom and decorate the windowsill for several years.

Top varieties with severe color terrain: description and photo

Hippeastrum is characterized by a large species diversity. All the varieties of the flower differ in each other:

  • flower-length;
  • diameter of flowers;
  • form of petals;
  • coloring;
  • the number of flowers in inflorescence;
  • The magnitude of the bulbs and other external signs.
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_2

Hippeastrum Aphrodite (Aphrodite) has the following features:

  • The number of colors on the flowers - 5-6 pieces;
  • The diameter of each - 21-23 cm;
  • The color varies from the snow-white to the pale pink with a dark-pink cabin;
  • Floweros length - 35-45 cm;
  • Petals are wide, pointed on the tips, all of them are from 13 to 17 pieces;
  • There are inner petals (stamody), their number reaches 10 pieces;
  • The amount of pollen is insignificant;
  • The diameter of the bulbs is 10-11.5 cm.
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_3

Hippeastrum Alfresco (Alfresco) has the following characteristic features:

  • The number of pioneer heavy flowers on the flower - from 5 to 8 pieces;
  • diameter - up to 15 cm;
  • Color - cream;
  • The core is green with an admixture of yellow shade;
  • The length of the color saw is 30-45 cm;
  • the number of petals - over 18 pieces;
  • There are several internal petals;
  • The diameter of the bulbs - 7-10 cm.
Bloss Picok
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_4

Hippeastrum Blossom Peacock ("Peacock Flower") is one of the most beautiful representatives of tropical plants. In the center of flowers with an unobtrusive pleasant aroma painted in white, and along the edges there is a punch-coral blush of varying degrees of saturation. In the center of the petals pass light stripes. The throat has a light green shade with burgundy strokes at the base of each petal.

Among other features of the variety, the following can be noted:

  • The flower diameter ranges in the range of 14-18 cm;
  • The diameter of the adult bulb is 6.5 cm;
  • Petals are narrow, slightly pointed, formed in three layers around the perianth, with well distinguishable pink-red veins;
  • terrain is thick;
  • White stamen threads, most often without anthers.
Dansing Queen
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_5

Hippeastrum Dancing Queen ("Dancing Queen") has the following characteristics:

  • The number of colors on the flowers - 3-4 pieces;
  • Color - red and white with a corrugated border of a light shade and a white stripe in the middle;
  • Flower diameter - more than 20 cm;
  • The height of the blooming is 60 cm;
  • The number of oval petals in the perianth is up to 14 pieces.
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_6

Hippeastrum Marilyn (Marilyn) is distinguished by terry colors of cream-white color with light greenish spraying. The edges are wavy, and the tips bend up. In total, there are no more than 4 flowering flowers.

The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_7

Hippeastrum Nymph (Nymph) is characterized by the following characteristic features:

  • pionic compact flower cream shade with red-brown stripes;
  • The number of colors with a diameter of up to 25 cm on a flower view with a height of 35-45 cm - 4 pieces;
  • number of petals - 14 pieces;
  • There are internal petals and in rare cases of stamens.
Cherry Nyph.
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_8

Hippeastrum Cherry ("Cherry Nymph") refers to terry large-flowered varieties. Color - saturated red with thin cherry notes and burgundy veins. The flower view matures up to 4 buds, the diameter of the blooming colors with a spunk form varies in the range of 17-25 cm. The height of the flower arrow is about 40 cm. Oval petals are pointed on tips.

The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_9

Hippeastrum Harlequin ("Harlequin") has the following features:

  • The number of colors on the flowers - 4 pieces;
  • Color - white with pink-red edge along the edge;
  • The edges of non-strokes and pointed petals - wavy;
  • The throat is gentle-green;
  • The height of the blooming reaches half a meter;
  • Bulb diameter - 6cm.
Heppi Nymph
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_10

Hippyastrum Happy Nymph ("Happy Nymph) has pionic flowers with red wide petals with a light line in the middle. The number of flowers on the arrow - 3-4 pieces. Middle width petals, slightly sharp and wavy on the tips.

Pretti Nymph
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_11

Pretty Nymph's hypipers ("Pretty Nymph) resembles a white-pink flamingo. Each flower with a diameter of up to 25 cm is decorated with a former stroke. The number of petals is about 15 pieces, and the height of the arrow does not exceed 40 cm.

Arctic Nitif
The most popular grades of the terry hypipestrum. Features of care 21122_12

Arctic Nymph variety ("Arctic nymph") on each snow-white flower has a pinkish spraying. The throat is painted in pale green. On one blooming develops to 4 flowers. The flower diameter does not exceed 17 cm, and the height of the arrow reaches half a meter.

Features of care

So that the flower pleased with his beauty for a long time, he needs to ensure the following optimal conditions:

  • Temperature regime - 18-25 degrees Celsius;
  • Optimal irrigation at an early stage of vegetation is moderate with the drying of the earthy coma, when forming a color - abundant;
  • air humidity - at least 50%;
  • Lighting - bright, scattered;
  • Opara is needed with a large arrow.

Hippeastrum is a beautiful and unpretentious flower, and its terry varieties are one of the most popular in flower flowers. They can be cultivated not only as indoor, but also garden colors. And for the plant for several years to be happy with beautiful bloom, it is necessary to provide him with good conditions of detention.

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