20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something


It would seem that it may be easier to storing and washing things? However, each of us, without knowing it, makes a huge number of errors that lead to the fact that clothing flies faster. For example, many stored leather pants in a closet, and backpacks and bags hang on hooks.

The editorial office of ADME.ru advocates the responsible attitude towards clothing and accessories, and therefore reminds of the rules for storing and washing things.

20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something 2111_1
© Romaniuk Kateryna / Shutterstock

  • Before washing, you need to fasten all the zippers, and buttons, on the contrary, unbutton. Lightning and dogs can spoil other things on them, and the buttons will easily break off, because with each wash, the threads that they are sewn to the tissue are thinned. In addition, button loops can stretch.
  • If you erase bras with clasps, they must also be fastened so that they do not damage other things or lace on underwear.
  • Many people prefer to wash exclusively in cold water, as they are afraid of shrinkage of the fabric and the fact that color things will be painted. This is a bad solution: the temperature of the water must be set as which is indicated on the label. Otherwise, pollution may not be removed, but the unpleasant smell will not destroy.
  • Never postpone the washing of dirty things for later. If you try to wash the fresh spot, but you will not succeed and you dry the fabric with the remnants of the mud, it is likely that it will never be able to wash it. In the case of such confulats, it is good to have a handle-stifter with you. Shed something on the fabric - lay the towel to this place and rubbed the handle. Most of the pollution will leave. And on the arrival of home, the thing needs to be urgently complete, and in the hot water, which one can withstand this fabric. The only exception to the rule is the blood that needs to be washed off with cold water.

20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something 2111_2

  • When we erase things with prints or delicate sweaters, turn them out. During washing, the printed schedule is erased, and the coils are formed on wool and cashmere. If you turn out things inside out, damage will be invisible to the eye.
  • When buying new things, the first thing you need to wash them. The meaning is that the washing should remove the remnants of various chemicals that could remain on the tissue in the process of its production. If the clothes do not wash, she, of course, will not be, but you risk getting allergies or other skin problems.
  • If you need to wipe the pillow with the memory effect, do not use the washing machine, since the specified effect will weaken or disappear at all. It is necessary to clean such products manually and better point.
  • If your washing machine does not have a special compartment for air conditioning, do not pour it at the very beginning of washing along with the powder. This will make the use of a substance absolutely useless because it will wash off with dirty water.

20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something 2111_3

  • If you remove a bag or backpack for storage, fill them with something, for example, unnecessary clothing or packaging air-bubble film. This will help preserve the shape of products. Also do not keep them in a suspended state, because because of this, straps and handles are pulled out. The best way is to fold the bags and backpacks on the shelf.
  • In no case do not dry leather things in the sun. The skin is natural, and under the influence of ultraviolet it will deteriorate: it is drained, discolored, loses elasticity and ultimately becomes unsuitable for socks. It is also possible to hang such things on the hot battery.
  • Clothes from leather should not be folded into the closet - it needs to be stored on her shoulders. Otherwise, over time, in the places of folds, there are fences - the skin cracks, and you will not be able to wear it.

20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something 2111_4

  • Jeans recommend erased manually to keep the texture and color of the fabric in the original form. However, it is not always possible. To safely wash things from denim in a washing machine, they need to be turned inside out and put a delicate washing mode. Water should be cold. An exception is white denim: it can be washed in warm water.
  • Jeans are often recommended to be stored in the freezer, but in fact it is deprived of meaning. The cold in the freezer is not enough to destroy all the bacteria, but the unpleasant smell with the help of freezing is to reduce and truth can be.
  • Do not fill the cabinet with a huge number of clothes. First, the fabrics will be thrown on each other, and more rough materials will damage the gentle. Secondly, with such storage, do not avoid the chances. Thirdly, the circulation of air in the fine space leaves much to be desired.

20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something 2111_5
© Victor Vizu / Wikimedia, © Depositphotos

  • Some people believe that frequent washing is the key to the cleanliness of the clothes. In reality, the more often you erase, the more fabric is wearing. For example, the jackets are enough to erase 1 or 2 times a year. Of course, if you do not go to the day in them, we carry over the blouse or shirts.
  • Shirts and blouses are recommended to erase after 1-2 uses (the frequency depends on the weather and how abundantly you sweat). Jeans - after 4-5; Sweaters - after 6, if you put them on top of a shirt or T-shirts; pajamas - after 2-3; Sportswear - after each workout.

20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something 2111_6

  • Sweaters are not recommended to hang on the shoulders - they need to be folded in the linen. However, the free space in the dresser is far from always, so you can use a small trick and hang the sweater on the shoulders as shown in the picture above.
  • When we erase bathing suits, in no case squeeze them by twisting. So you can damage the elastic fabric from which they are manufactured. Instead, put a swimsuit on a towel, cover top with another towel and press fit well.

20+ errors in caring for clothes, because of which even the expensive thing will quickly turn into a formless something 2111_7

  • If clothes are covered with wool, clean it before downloading to the washing machine. For example, using a conventional sticky roller. There is another option: put clothes in the machine and run a 10-minute drying cycle, if this mode is available. This will soften the fabric, and most of the wool fall into the filter. After the cycle, shake the clothes to get rid of the remnants of wool, and clean the filter in the typewriter. After that, you can easily wash.
  • For loyalty to the drum, you can throw a couple of special rubber balls, to which wool sticks in the wash process.
  • Do not forget to periodically check the filter in the washing machine. He can break down - then things will be bad to stretch, the machine will begin to work worse, and then it will break at all. In addition, it can clog the sewer.
  • If your pet lines constantly, it makes sense to draw attention to clothes from such materials to which the wool does not stick: leather, atlas and many other glossy fabrics.

How long do you wear things before sending them to a trash can? Try to extend your life or not?

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