Dmitry Makhonin: "Our goal is that and our guys remain in the region, and in order to go from other regions to us"


On March 6, a winter session of the regional youth forum of the Perm period took place at the Spagina plant site, which completed the forum week in the Kama region. The participants in offline format were 300 people, except for them, with the help of telecoms, delegations from 20 municipalities of the region were connected to the forum sites. Also who wanted to follow what was happening online.

Welcoming young people who gathered on Shpagin, Governor Dmitry Makhonin celebrated their role in the life of Kama. Perm region is a region for young people, and especially for talented. The number of participants who registered for the winter session of the Perm period and the forum week preceding him inspires. We hope that all initiatives and projects you have submitted will become a good basis for your further development, and we will continue to help you, because we see the future of our region in you, "said Dmitry Makhonin.

He also took part in the final part of the Pitch session forum. During her, the teams presented the best projects stated at the regional stage of the All-Russian Youth Educational Forum Territory of meanings.

According to the program director of the All-Russian Forum, Matthew Naveva, the Perm region became the first subject in Russia, where in 2021 the regional stage of the territory of the meaning was held. Thank you for calling me to myself. I also give you the words of gratitude from the head of the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs [Rosmolodeja Ed.] Alexander Bugaev. The territory of meanings is a platform for non-indifferent people, such as they live in the Perm region. During the days I spent here, I learned a lot about what was happening in the region and his plans: Guys, all of you are where our future begins, - said Matvey Nadayev.

He stressed that the most important thing was not lost, because it's not always smooth in life: But in Perm Territory, regional authorities are supported in all regions. Therefore, stay in touch, do not oppose yourself and power, but unite with it, because any problem can be solved together, - stressed the program director of the territory of meanings.

Three projects were presented at the Pitch session. The Caribbean Ainur team presented the concept of a cycle of activities for schoolchildren of grades 5-9, aimed at improving performance. This team eventually ranked third: after the speech of the guys, the head of the region noted that the world without two-ways is good, so the project will definitely discuss with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Perm Territory. Also Dmitry Makhonin reminded the authors of the concept of opportunities to gain support from the Foundation of Presidential Grants and a similar Fund established in the Perm Territory.

The second place was conquered by the team of Mikhail Grehenchuk with a project of holding a series of activities for learning to teach children and adolescents in Perm, Solikamsk, Kudymkar and Axes during the school year.

The winner of the competition was the team under the leadership of Anastasia Konkova, who created the project of the PROFLINE career guidance forum. He involves holding three-day events for schoolchildren 8-10 classes in Solikamsk, Berezniki, Kungur, Chusov, Gubach, Lysva, Tchaikovsky and Dobryanka.

According to the participant in the team of Rostislav Konevsky, on the Perm period, the guys realized that there are no barriers to young people who interfere with the development: here, in the Perm region, for this everything is there. Our project will allow schoolchildren already while studying to choose a profession, to get acquainted with major employers and to realize in the future on the territory of their municipalities in their homeland, Rostislav Konevsky told.

We note, all the teams participating in the Pitch session, in the event of applications for the All-Russian Forum, the territory of meanings will be allowed to participate in it without prior selection.

At the end of the session, the head of the region Dmitry Makhonin noted that this year the forum week program was aimed at improving the competitiveness of young people from the territories of the region, but the guys arrived at the forum not only from municipalities, but also from other regions.

And we are very pleased to guests, because we are aimed at that our youth remained in the region, and the guys from other regions come to us to live and work towards us. There is a lot of interesting things in the Prikamye, but the main task is to make young people like to live in Prikamye, so that the initiative guys be good and comfortable, so that they have a good job with a worthy salary, the opportunity to acquire housing all this is our long-term program for several Years, and the Forum Perm period, her small part, emphasized the governor.

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