Coronavirus childbirth: "You can not go out of the chamber, only you hear children's crying in the distance ... But the doctors saved us"

Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:
Coronavirus childbirth:

"Cowid" made many of us survive what we were not ready for. Take, for example, a pregnant woman. Vulnerability, fineness of feelings, fear of unknown disease, and also frightening loneliness among strangers at the most important point: from March 17 2020, partnerships were canceled in Minsk, and from April 6 - already throughout the country. And when the ban will be removed, no one knows ... In this text you will see a picture on both sides: the eyes of an experienced resuscitator and Minskanka, who had to give birth in a closed department for pregnant women with COVID-19. We admit, we thought it would be a husty story about problems and troubles. But fate ordered otherwise. Contrary to all diseases and sadness, you have a story about life, light and gratitude to doctors.

"The department, in which they usually worked, became a" dirty "zone. Right Associations with Chernobyl: Abandoned Cabinets, Empty Ordinator ... "

Elena, a resuscitative doctor, did not call his surname and Road number in one of the cities of Belarus, where it works. But honestly shared experiences:

- Life with the beginning of the COVID-19 epidemic, of course, has changed: from mid-April, gateways, Size, "dirty" and "clean" zones have emerged in the hospital, the ordinator moved to other parts of the building ... Everything became different. But the process of childbirth for women did not change in any way. And we, doctors, worked in the same way, with the only nuance: Before the start of the shift, you need to go through the gateway and change yourself into the "Spacks".

I know that many hospitals in the country had questions with sisami, but my maternity hospital is an exception. I do not know why. All these months we are fully secured by sisami, even the vitamins were given in the spring. For such attention and attitude towards doctors, I want to say thanks to public organizations. Some of them then suffered ... Now we have already adapted, and in the spring, when everything changed sharply, there was a difficult moment. The branch in which they usually worked, became a "dirty" zone. Straight associations with Chernobyl: Abandoned cabinets, empty ordinatories ... psychologically hard. And not only because of the "crown", but because of violence, which began in the summer and continues to work so far ... What will happen next with the country, with a profession, with family? These bitter questions suck forces. But while still kept. Support for people helped a lot. Thank you our civil society!

I am a resuscitative, so they usually cause me difficult childbirth. If some complications are assumed, for example, the child appears ahead of time or experiencing hypoxia. I am responsible for the life of a newborn, it worries me the most.

Now in our maternity hospital, only women in city has been taken with COVID-19. This means that visiting relatives is prohibited, like partnerships. We estimate the state of a woman. If the symptoms of coronavirus are light, for example, only the absence of odors, then, of course, we recommend natural delivery. If we are talking about the severe course of the disease, then the cesarean section. Almost all babies born from mothers with COVID-19 show a negative test result for coronavirus. In the case of a positive, child and mom, they do not share and with good health soon write home.

Many concerns the issue with the prohibition of partnerships. What do I think about it? I myself gave birth with my husband, but I have a medic, blood is not afraid of blood (smiles. - Approx. Onliner). I am good in partnership, but only if the man is ready and refers to his wife. It's not in the park to take a stroll, you need to understand what you can see. Birth is the experience between life and death. The partner must be ready for this morally and physically, and also not to interfere with the work of midwives. Father's emotions are understandable, but at some point they can interfere with the process. It is important to trust people who help a woman to give birth.

- Statistics says that to "Kovida" in Belarus only 10-15% of the birth were partner. Why so few?

- First, both spouses must be mature, adults responsible. Secondly, in many maternity hospitals in Belarus, the partnerships still include ... Uh ... conservatively. Although over the years, the views of doctors change a little.

Well, if we take a coronavirus situation, then I fully support the prohibition of partnerships. Because the likelihood of infecting a woman in labor or a child rises. If the husbands sat at home and strictly observed quarantine ... but alas.

Another unpleasant rule that dictates the "crown": immediately after childbirth, the child is taken from the mother to three or four to seven days until she recovers, that is, while her smear to Coronavirus will not show a negative result. I thought for a long time over this moment. After all, at the usual time, no one takes the child's mother immediately after delivery, and even for such a long time. But you understand ... Of course, children tolerate "Cakes" easily. But there are exceptions. Are we ready for this exception to happen from us? It is better to suffer a little. In addition, now close relatives - grandmother, husband, for example, are allowed to pick up a newborn home if they have a confirmed negative test on COVID-19. If dad is ready, why not? While mom finishes treatment in the hospital, he will take care of the baby.

- In your opinion, the obstetric aggression is terrible bikes from the distant Soviet past? Or does she exist in Belarus today?

- I think today it is practically no. At least from what I see in your practice. It is necessary to understand: I am a resuscitative, and therefore "child's lawyer". Mama we say: "Think of children!" Yes, in childbirth, it is bad, but the baby is even harder. It is important that the woman understand that she is an adult and the life of a child depends on it. An obstetrician gynecologist can help, orient on time, if something went wrong, but the woman itself must be responsible. I have never seen the medical staff shouting just like that. Yes, I generally had already forgotten how it was - when screaming in childbirth. Maybe this practice existed about thirty years ago ... I don't quite approve it, but, I emphasize, the gynecologists never behaved without reason, but only to bring the woman to feeling. When it comes to the life of a child, accents are abandoned otherwise. And I will say honestly: I have not seen a single resuscitation, which would not want a positive result.

"No one leads such statistics in Belarus, but it is not difficult to assume that because of the prohibition of partnerships in the" Covered "months began to give birth more at home. What do you think of it?

- I as a resuscator is categorically negative about home childbirth, because at any moment they can go on a completely unplanned scenario. Just everything was fine, and in two seconds the child suffers. And it is impossible to predict it. Yes, in many European countries there is such an option as domestic births that are accompanied by an ambulance car at the entrance. But child resuscitation even in this case may not have time. The bill goes for seconds. If a woman can still be saved, then the child is probably not. Are you ready for this risk?

"Everybody was given the same nighties, no one sees, from the village you or the daughter of the oligarch ... but what about!"

Minskanka Martha Krachmalova, chief accountant and mom of two sons, tells his story:

- My older son is six years old. I learned about the pregnancy in January 2020 - the test showed two strips. My husband and I really wanted the second child, prepared. So it was joyful news. Of course, no one could assume what will be 2020 ... On the first patient with the "Cokeidom" in Belarus officially announced on February 28 - and began ... I tried to comply with all WHO recommendations, because I was responsible not only for myself, but also for a child: I wore a mask from the first days, very hard restricted the contacts - no friends, nor relatives. In the clinic of pregnant women, they even counted at the beginning not live, but on the phone, in order not to subjected to risk once again. But from the second and third month, ordinary planned techniques went, in masks and with disinfection of hands.

My pregnancy passed perfectly, without questions and complications. Until the 37th week everything was wonderful. And then I felt typical symptoms of "crown": the growing weakness and loss of smell. The temperature did not rise above 36.4, there was no silence, no cough, no runny nose. If it were not for the loss of odors, I would not even react.

According to the new instructions of the Ministry of Health, all pregnant women are mandatory a PCR study on COVID-19 a few days before delivery. After consulting doctors, I did a test in advance - about three weeks before the date of X. in a day called from the polyclinic: "The result is positive, you are sick."

I wanted to give birth in a paid chamber, with high comfort, but Coronavirus broke all the plans. A brigade came after a brigade in protective suits and took it to the sixth Minsk maternity hospital - in the closed maternity hospital for pregnant women with COVID-19 (there are infected women from all over the city). I will not hide, I was scared. The disease is new, unknown, there is no data on how it affects pregnancy and whether the baby is transmitted. How will my boy feel after childbirth? Does he have complications? I scrolled these questions in my head. Panic was not, but excitement and fear - definitely.

In the "six" immediately sent me to CT, having received my consent before that. Yes, pregnant bribes make it very rarely computed tomography, and at the beginning I refused. But the doctors convinced me: if the pneumonia is found, the treatment protocol must be completely different. I compared the risks and do not regret my decision. As it turned out after the CT, I had right-sided pneumonia. Asymptomatic. Temperature 36.4, pressure 120/80, saturation 98%, and in the right lung here is such a process, imagine? It became clear where this incredit weakness come from.

In the maternity hospital, I was settled in a separate ward. Doctors tried not to post several pregnant women in the same medical consideration chamber. They treated antibiotics, and I quickly went on amendment, literally after the first injection. All staff, naturally, in protective suits, helmets, glasses, masks. You could only learn the doctors only for growth, silhouette or voice (smiles. - Approx. Onliner). We sorry them so, doctors. Imagine every minute in these "skaandras", helmets - and in the maternity hospital too. Uncomfortable, hot, and what to do?

Do not think that I have some kind of desire to hover the laurels "Six". On the contrary, I was going to give birth for a fee, and the closed branch with the "Crown" first examined as a big chagrin. But, I will be honestly, I was pleasantly surprised. Not paid compartment, not a paid clinic. Everyone gives the same nighty, no one sees, from the village you or the daughter of the oligarch - it does not matter. The attitude is unmatched! Yes, the repairs are normal, everything is very modest, but most important, as it turned out, is psychological support of personnel, from cleaners to doctors. I just have a million sincere thanks to each employee! For example, women cleaners did not just come to the ward to clean cleanness, and each time they said: "Do not worry, after two weeks you will be discharged, everything will be fine." Doctors reacted on any "Chih". For example, the abdomen from antibiotics will be broken down - immediately run, medications are carried. I was led by a wonderful doctor obstetrician-gynecologist Tatiana Ivanovna Casabitskaya, she also took childbirth. Special thanks for her! It was so much attention! She always came in a good mood, not Sysyukala, but remained responsive, psychologically supported: "Everything will be fine!" - Immediately visible, a professional of his business. Modern class doctor. And from this sincere care I had a mood before giving birth, that I had no longer soothered, and I supported relatives by phone: Mom, husband and mother-in-law (smiles. - Note Onliner).

Of course, in the "Covia" branch is not so sweet. For example, many pregnant women learned that they have "crown", only two days before delivery and fell here unexpectedly. Naturally, until they go through a full cycle of treatment - from two to three weeks - they were not given to children. This is a psychologically very difficult moment. Imagine, give birth to your beloved baby, blood from the blood, flesh from the flesh, and in front of two weeks - and you can't see it ... the newborns keep in the "six" in separate boxes, while they, in my opinion, are not confirmed twice Negative test for the "crown". It usually takes three to four days. And then toddlers disappear into the "Troika". With me, how many people were childbirth, no baby was infected with coronavirus in the womb.

And of course, girls, whose children were taken to the "Troika", simply rushed. Thank you, I gave birth on September 29, 2020, and I did not bring it four days. From the chamber is not allowed, only you hear children's crying away and you know that your baby is somewhere there, one ... For any mom, it is like a knife in the heart. But pediatrician doctors who were on duty at the boxes, every day no less than two times receded us a photo or video of our babies, came and told how kids eat, as they feel. It's just without words ... Such support! On the fourth day, on the discharge, I finally saw the famousa - it was tears of joy. Long-awaited meeting! Everything is fine.

Now my baby is three months old, we regularly rent tests, and, thank God, my coronavirus did not affect his health. He was born, for a minute, borty - almost four kilograms and 54 centimeters. Shoulders! All in dad (smiles. - Approx. Onliner).

I probably lucky. I know that there are other stories. Not everyone tolerate coronavirus easily. Someone is hard given separation from his family, with her husband, with a child during treatment ... But I am glad that such an important and happy event in my life is the birth of the Son - I divided the sixth hospital with the doctors. Thanks to all huge, and especially Tatiana Ivanovna Casabitzky!

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