Direct inclusion from the zoo: 7 online broadcasts with animals

Direct inclusion from the zoo: 7 online broadcasts with animals 21084_1

Great way to distract from work and home

In many countries, restrictions established due to coronavirus are not going to remove. Therefore, entertainment to local residents are not yet available. Including closed or work in a limited zoo mode. So that people do not lose opportunities to look at exotic animals, zoos and oceanariums lead direct broadcasts from the heliers.

If you need to relax from work (and your child from homework) and see something pacifying, then these broadcasts are perfect.

Smithsonian National Zoo
Direct inclusion from the zoo: 7 online broadcasts with animals 21084_2

In this zoo, you can look at naked farmer, lion, panda and elephant. Broadcasts round the clock. Perhaps due to the difference in time you will not see how the panda eats (this is the most cute), naked farming is kept in the tunnel, and the lion deftly climbs on the trees, but look at sleeping animals. Sometimes it is enough to improve the mood.

Zoo San Diego
Direct inclusion from the zoo: 7 online broadcasts with animals 21084_3

The zoo has hypopotamos, cliffs, baboons, penguins, polar bears, tigers, elephants, giraffes, koalas and even Condors. Pandas, unfortunately, from the zoo recently transported, but the site remained old videos with them. Some broadcasts lead around the clock. Others only during the day, and the rest of the day the day records are repeated.

Houston zoo
Direct inclusion from the zoo: 7 online broadcasts with animals 21084_4

In the zoo, you can look at the giraffes, gorillas, elephants, rhinos, flamingos, chimpanzees and otters. Do you not surprise these animals? Then watch the ants who work on their anthills. Broadcast comes from 16:00 to 04:00 Moscow time.

Melbourne Zoo

On the website of this zoo, you can watch the clocks, zebras, Irbis, Giraffes, Penguins and Ottos.

And also get acquainted with these wonderful animals closer, because their names, birthdays and interesting facts about them are indicated. There is also time feeding animals. Giraffes, for example, feed at 12:45 Moscow time. You can dine with them!

Edinburgh Zoo
Direct inclusion from the zoo: 7 online broadcasts with animals 21084_5

Panda, penguins, tigers, koalas and lions live in the capital of Scotland. Watch how animals play and sleep, you can have a clock day. Bamboo has a panda in the aviary, so wait for the zoo employees to see how it sits ridiculously and chews leaves, do not have to.

Oceanarium Bay Monterey

Lunar jellyfish, tripino sharks, penguins and otters live in the California Oceanarium. There are cameras that remove the inhabitants of the open ocean (tuna, turtles and sharks) and birds living in the aviary. Broadcast lead from 18:00 to 6:00 Moscow time. In the interruptions show old records.

Pacific Oceanarium

There are eight broadcasts on the site. Penguins remove the whole two cameras: on land and under water. They definitely earned so much attention. On other broadcasts show sharks (tiger and reef), jellyfish and other inhabitants of tropical reefs. There are round-the-clock broadcasts and old records.

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Direct inclusion from the zoo: 7 online broadcasts with animals 21084_6

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