Why did the Germans violated the USSR airspace with impunity in front of the war?

Why did the Germans violated the USSR airspace with impunity in front of the war? 21082_1

Everyone knows that the German intelligence aircraft violated the boundaries of the Soviet Union's air space in the pre-war years ...

Germans as an exploration aircraft mainly used "UHU" - "Filin" and "FV-190" - "Rama". For photographing from a height of more than 9 thousand meters, the converged bomber HE111 and JU86R were used.

From January to May 1941, German aircraft performed 152 violations of our border with the purpose of intelligence. Airplanes were deepened to the territory of the Soviet Union on average by 5-6 kilometers, and in some cases up to 80 kilometers. From early May to 21 June, the airspace broke 128 German aircraft.

In total, for the period from 1939 to June 22, 1941, they crossed the border of the USSR 520 intelligence aircraft. The Germans felt unpunished so much that they even flew by groups of several aircraft.

In addition to all our border guards, it was forbidden to bring off the violators according to the order of NO 102 of March 29, 1940, which said:

"In case of violation of our border by Germanic aircraft ... I order to be guided by the following: - in violation of the Soviet-German border by airplanes, do not open fire, limited by the compilation of an act of violation of the state border; - about every violation of the border by Germanic aircraft to immediately declare in orally or writing to protest the relevant representatives of the German command on the border service line; - Chiefs of border troops take all measures to immediately submit to the General Directorate of border troops, except for urgent reports, also acts and all correspondence on the fact of the violation of the state border. " People's Commissar of the NKVD USSR L.B. Beria.

However, despite the order, in essence, binding hands to border guards, several start-up aircraft were still shot down. In the spring of 1940, the number of 30 units in the intelligence planes, the border guards of the 86th detachment opened fire from the machine gun near the city of Augustow, as a result of which one aircraft was shot down. In January 1941, the border guards of the 11th Option destroyed from machine guns 5 of 28 low-timing German intelligence aircraft.

At the end of May 1941, Tymoshenko's drug defense, a direct test stated Stalin that the accomplice of the founder Germans it's time to start shooting down and this opinion was supported by all military leaders. But Stalin objected referring to the German ambassador, who made a statement on behalf of Hitler, that they allegedly have many young pilots in Luftwaffe now and they are still poorly prepared and therefore not enough oriented in the air. What Zhukov and Tymoshenko simply came across such misravers.

As a result, before the start of the war, Stalin never accepted a hard decision, and German scout airplanes continued to violate the borders of our air territory until June 21. Why Stalin behaved so much, still remains a question ...

Sources: On cases of violation of the border of the USSR by Germanic aircraft http://finlib.biz/politicheskaya...nitsyi-sssr.htmlizes NKVD reports of the USSR in the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) and SCA of the USSR on violations of the USSR State Border from November 1940 to June 10, 1941 . http://www.hrono.ru/dokum/194_do...410612beria.html N.G. Kuznetsov, "On the eve" http://militera.lib.ru/memo/russ...sov-1/index.html D. Dögtev, D. Teanov, "Fightering Oko Fuhrera. Low exposure to Luftwaffe on the Eastern Front. 1941 - 1943 "

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