20 people who just wanted to survive a gloomy working day, but here adorable colleagues arrived


During infinitely monotonous labor everydays, it is very easy to bother. However, fortunately or not, among his colleagues there will always be those who will visit our five-day diversity. You can tell with a laugh about them during family gatherings or annoyance because of their oddities, but forget all this is unlikely to succeed.

We in ADME.ru believe that the routine must be resting. And therefore, they simply could not pass past the stories about people who managed to get a decent shake right in the workplace.

  • Our office worked in our office, who lived with her mother. His mother constantly said that he was time to marry, so he began to project her instructions on female colleagues. As soon as the employee came unwrapped, he asked if she was parted with a guy. If some employee offered someone to make coffee, he argued that she woke up the maternal instinct and it's time for her to start children. And once, at all, the mother of this mountain-kavalera came to work and arranged "seeing," said what a man he was on all his hands. No "candidate" did not come up. © Chamber № 6 / VK

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  • It's just an embodiment of an old joke some. In the office of the colleague asked urgently to take money before salary. I pledged to pay exactly on time, because in the office all the salary comes in one day. Occupied, the amount is small, ₽ 5 thousand, salary in a week (15th). The 15th comes, the colleague itself does not fit, does not write, does not ring. It comes the 16th number, I decided to ask already. Colleague said that tomorrow will give. 17-18 - number: "I'm all in affairs, passed." The 19th number comes, I ask him again, feeds the next "breakfast". Okay, I thought, let him be on conscience. Asked every day. And these "breakfasts" continue. It became interesting how much more conscience is enough for him. Began to ask once a week. On the day of the salary, the 15th day of the next month, already started to ask him. And he gives out such a phrase: "I said that tomorrow I will give, why do you ask every week?" © Dronuzka / Pikabu

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  • I had an employee at work. She for her beloved right behind the work desk sheed with his hands with fresh bread and sprinkled his salt. All table and floor in this all. But when she already began to dry under the system block, no one could withstand. And they fired her after her legs began to throw on the table. And this is not including her eternal disassembly with all employees. © Carolina Bovizage / Adme
  • He worked as secretary from the boss in a major trading company with a large staff. I noticed that they began to disappear from my table and from the bedside tables: then tea, then sugar, then handles, then stickers. Nothing serious, little things, but still it is very unpleasant that someone shares in your things while you are not. And I carry the report to the boss, and she fastens it with my clips with cherry. © Outbred - here talk about you / VK

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  • History from the distant 1999. In the department, where I then worked, was the head that employees did not feel very much. And he had a habit to go to the office and stand for the backs of the backs, watching his wards are engaged. Moreover, it happened silently, without any dialogue. Many people really didn't like it, but no one was decided to say in the forehead. And now he somehow mentioned that he walked himself an ICQ. It did not find it in ICQ labor, since he registered it on his corporate mail. After some time, I shouted to him, and we began to communicate. About the fact that his colleague is rewritten to him, he, of course, did not know. I must say that he was divorced at that time and was looking for a beautiful stranger. I knew the chef well, His habits and manners, so I was very soon from a correspondence acquaintance, I became the most beautiful lady with which he was eager to meet. At some point he asked the photo, and I had to send him some kind of beauty from the expanses of the Internet. After that, the man completely disappeared, corresponded without stopping and very much requested about the meeting. You ask, why should I need it all? So, I will answer. From the beginning of our virtual acquaintance, he generally stopped entering the department and unrigious employees. And the people finally could safely work. © Lyudmila / Adme

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© Marina Golubeva / Facebook

  • When I got a new job, I was rather quiet and closed. And one colleague, which was just a month before me earlier than me, suddenly decided that she had to keep me the main one, began to constantly tear and rude. That's just worked, I still more efficiently. As a result, my boss looked at all this and put it officially work under my beginning. © Shrinivas Temkar / Quora
  • I sit in the office, I do my job. Look at the office: - Take a picture, please guest with a gift at 14:00. And time 13:59. I clarify: - So, she already came? - No, getting started. It takes a few minutes, the other person comes: - Guest will come in 20 minutes, take a picture? - Sure. After 20 minutes, I put forward in the studio for photographing, no one. I ask: - And where is the guest? - She gone 10 minutes ago, why didn't you come to the photo? Really! © Mr.Lesnik / Pikabu

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  • Sometimes I am surprised what incredible links can build some people in the head. I just enjoyed the leaflets very pleasant to the touch of a flower, and the colleague said that it was because I had time to give birth to children, since the maternal instinct demands children to iron. © ol_fa_sol / twitter
  • There was a colleague who constantly spent the entire salary on the sale of clothes, and then Skihar eaten other people's lunches from the refrigerator! And also always appeared in the kitchen, if someone ate, and looked hungry eyes. The boss only laughed in response to our perturbations, until this lenochka ate almost all the food, which remained from the New Year's corporate party. Then the boss was already in rabies. © Oksana Kazachenko / Facebook
  • He came running colleague - Head of Department. I asked me to tell them a new employee that it stinks so much later that the remaining 5 colleagues simply suffocate. And it smelled so much every day. I refused. She had a long time, another week 2 tried to tell him, but could not. And he accepted a brilliant decision: she dismissed him due to the fact that he did not pass the trial period. © Overheard / IDeer

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© Elin Grimes / Quora

  • Recently I was raised and transferred to the commercial department, the post is quite serious. After the first working day, I left without blocking the computer: I just didn't know what to do. I come in the morning, on the monitor sticker: "Block Comp". A little later comes the boss and tells me: "Sveta, if you forget to put a lock again, then inadvertently sending newsletter with recognition in love with the whole male team." Here we have "tough measures". © Outbred - here talk about you / VK
  • A woman works with me, which divides ferrets right in his apartment. According to the latest data, their number is 28 individuals. I do not know whether the ferrets are positive affect the nervous system and wallet. I can say one thing: a woman does not ignite the atmosphere in the office. By smell, we easily determine whether it is at work today. © Overheard / IDeer
  • In the office, a very annoying colleague was sitting next to me, who also constantly criticized any my actions. Retreat: It is more convenient for me to work so that everything is always at the desk at hand. And I adore to arrange all kinds of funny things with pictures. And the colleague constantly boasted his flawlessly neat table. So, one day he passed by and with a disgruntled clutter sounding sounded: "Signed table - a closed head." I, without even looking at a colleague, I just answered: "And your table is empty." He published some kind of nasty sound and left. © Mike Bowerbank / Quora

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  • We worked with one guy. Alfach built himself, boasted his adventures, he constantly said that women were the second grade (the team is predominantly female). He could offend and did not consider it necessary to fulfill his duties normally ("Women should plow"). And after the next prosecution, his mom suddenly came and begged not offended and not dismissing her favorite son. © Overheard / IDeer
  • The boss is a man with a highlight. The state has an astrologer, a chiromant, and more recently also an interpreter of dreams. Work is boring - sales, salary average. But I will die of figure, because now it is officially not to come to the office, if a dead fish has dreamed of: allegedly "benefits will not be, sit at home." And the salary is still dripping. © Overheard / IDeer
  • It was Monday, we have a standard workshop. And I didn't have breakfast that day and I already felt right how my hunger approaches. Our head of the time asks if we have something that we want to share, waiting for an answer. And here, as a team, my belly makes such a roar that it was heard even on the other end of the room. The boss reacted beautifully: "Well, that we end our meeting on this." Already later, when I returned to the workplace, I was simply attacked by messages in Skype about what an impressive and gorgeous sound turned out. © Vanya Rajput / Quora

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© Livotovas / Twitter

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