"Mosgortrans" promises to complete the replacement of bus stops in Zelenograd in the current year. The same promised a year ago


Replace all stopping pavilions to the new ones were planned last year, but the process was delayed. In particular, the old remained on Panfilovsky, Moscow Prospects and the Street of Youth. They found out when new pavilions will be at all stops and why the scoreboard with the schedule of buses disappear.

The pavilions began to change the summer "in connection with the expiration of useful use." This means that the old one is more than seven years (wear time), according to the "Mosgortrans" this is a planned replacement. True, there is another explanation - change within the city program of improvement. New - more modern, with anti-vandal glasses, more comfortable benches, urns, route schemes. There may be charging for gadgets.

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True, there is a lot of time between dismantling the old pavilion and installing a new time. In the "Mosgortrans" last year called several reasons: a large amount of work, poor-quality contractors. Also, the works detained quarantine. And besides, Zelenograd is not a priority - first of all change stopping pavilions in the center of Moscow. After installing new pavilions, some time close the holes at stops - put a new tile.

Photo: Zelenograd.ru.

In the autumn "Mosgortrans" promised to "activate work", but I did not have time to replace all the stops. These works will continue in 2021, "Zelenograd.ru" was told at the transport enterprise. In terms of replacement - 74 pavilions. Among them is stopped on the street of youth and Panfilovsky Prospect. There is a problem - the installation of new pavilions may require reorganization of communications - these are additional work, due to which the plan can change. What does it mean to "change" (this is a delay in the work or something else), in the "Mosgortrans" did not specify.

It is not clear how the new promise "Mosgortrans" is combined with the plans of the reconstruction of the street of youth, Moscow and Panfilovsky prospectuses. In the prefecture last year, "Zelenograd.ru" reported that the stops there would be changed in the process of reconstruction. But the reconstruction is scheduled for 2022-2023 years. It turns out that stops can change twice for 1-2 years - first planned, then as part of the reconstruction of these streets.

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Where do the scoreboard disappear over time? And when will they appear at all stops?

When the old pavilions dismantle, remove the scoreboard and installed on their roofs, which show the time of arrival of buses. But at the new stops, the scoreboard is no longer. It turns out that it is impossible to put the scoreboard on the new pavilion - the design does not imply it. At some stops, instead of the board on the roof, they will put a separate design - a pylon with a built-in scoreboard. Such pylons are at stops along the central prospectus. It is still known that such a pylon also put at the stop "Palace of Martial Arts". Whether they will be near all new stops, while it is unknown. Officials are proposed not to rely on the scoreboard, but to use mobile applications that show the bus waiting time.

There is also no certainty to install the scoreboard on those stops where they are not. Now form a program for updating the "linear facilities of road transport infrastructure" is stopping, stations, parking - at 2021-2023. All questions about the new scoreboard in the "Mosgortrans" and prefecture are responsible - "with the possibility."


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