The authorities are trying to "deliver" Russia from workers migrants. This is fraught with decaying construction and rising housing prices, developers say


Chairman of the Committee of the Federation Council on Economic Policy Andrei Kutepov proposed to start preparing his own footage for construction to become independent of foreign labor. However, developers say that without migrants, the industry can come to decline.

Due to the pandemic, the number of migrant builders in the country decreased almost twice: from 11 million to 6 million people. According to the "National Association of Builders", about 50% of developers still feel the lack of workers on sites.

"No region in the Russian Federation will be able to provide an employment resource itself. Institutions of secondary vocational and additional education are not prepared, perhaps, 10% of specialists for the construction of the region from the general need. The consequences of restrictions on attracting migrants from other republics will be accurate. Unfortunately, as our practice has shown, the performance of the monolithic team, who came from Tajikistan for three to six months and are focused on developing and earning, two times higher than the performance of local brigades, which are in a hurry to families, go on vacation and generally oriented Rather, stability than a quick result. And this means that there is a risk of an increase in construction terms, which means its value too, "says the Personnel Director of the Monolith Group of Oksana Afanasyev.

"Fully abandoned the attracted specialists will not work. At the same time, in the regions, the main pool of contractors consists of Russian specialists. The share of builders from other countries is small. These are monoliths, bricklayers and decorates. Organizations that follow these types of work are financially unprofitable to have a large staff of permanent employees. Citizens of Russia are not ready to work on urgent contracts for a specific type of work, and migrants are ready. In addition, the requirements for income from Russians are above, and their quality of work in the designated areas has recently inferior to foreign specialists, "commented Natalia Garifullina, Deputy General Director for Marketing Talan.

According to experts, only Russian employees will work at construction sites, the cost of construction and real estate prices will increase by 10-15%.

"Residents of the regions of the Russian Federation are ready to go to construction. The construction boom of the metropolitan region and the North-West cannot but cause interest. But in order to attract our fellow citizens, you need at least to provide them with free accommodation in the construction regions. It would be good and pass to the place of new job to pay. Well, such mandatory things as the timeliness of salary payment, ensuring overalls and sizami. And if with the last two points in our time, difficulties no longer arises, the first two carry additional costs for the developer, and considerable, "says Nadezhda Kalashnikov, Director of Development of L1.

The authorities are trying to
The authorities are trying to "deliver" Russia from workers migrants. This is fraught with decaying construction and rising housing prices, developers say

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