As with the knowledge of the case, choose the seedlings of apple and pears and not mistaken


    Good afternoon, my reader. Choosing seedlings of seed crops, no need to hurry. It is better to buy them in special nurseries, not in the bazaars or by private owners. In the store price tagged, but also the risk of acquiring low-quality trees is minimal.

    As with the knowledge of the case, choose the seedlings of apple and pears and not mistaken 21037_1
    As with the knowledge of the case, choose the seedlings of apple and pears and not mistaken Maria Verbilkova

    Independently inspect the plant, its shoots and roots before buying are still necessary. If the seedling meets all the requirements, it can be safely acquired.

    By the end of the spring, prices for seedlings fall. At this time there are often sales, so you can save well. But the planting material is usually lower quality.

    In the fall, you can find a huge selection of various varieties of freshly dried seedlings. This is a good time to plant: the soil is already wet and loose, and the gardeners have more time than in the spring. The minuses of autumn purchases of seedlings include high cost and the need for storage in winter.

    Apple tree. For landing fit annuals, and two-year seedlings. Price to the second above, but one year old seedlings are coming up faster. It is easy to distinguish them: there are no branches on the annual tree.

    Pear. The roots of two-year seedlings are quite powerful, so it's difficult to dig a pear without damage. It is better to pay attention to one-year-old plants with a more compact root system. It is more difficult to distinguish them: even a one-year pear seedling can have branches. It is worth choosing a tree without shoots or with their minimum quantity.

    Place vaccinations. Usually the garden is planted with grafted trees. The vaccination location should be well noticeable at an altitude of 5-15 centimeters. It should not be barbnes and growths. If there is no vaccination, then this is a seedman.

    As with the knowledge of the case, choose the seedlings of apple and pears and not mistaken 21037_2
    As with the knowledge of the case, choose the seedlings of apple and pears and not mistaken Maria Verbilkova

    Root system. The seedling must have a pronounced main root. If you slightly stick for the root, then a good tree it will not break off. Also roots must be wet and nice.

    Overhead part. It should no mechanical damage and traces of diseases. Fabric color under the crust in a healthy green tree.

    Leaves. According to GOST on a sapling there should be no leaves. Usually they are removed before the tree is digging. However, the market seedlings are almost always sold with leaves to prove that this is the stated variety.

    Before purchasing a sapling, you should learn:
    • whether the grade is zoned for a given area;
    • whether it corresponds to weather conditions;
    • flowering time;
    • The timing of ripening of fruits;
    • yield;
    • flavoring qualities of fruits;
    • Fitness to storage.

    It is important that the roots do not swam, so when transporting it is necessary to ensure that they are wet. There are two ways:

    1. Lower the roots into a mixture of clay, water and land.
    2. Pouring moistened sawdust in the package, put roots there and skin tightly.

    Thus, the plant will easily get to the right place.

    It all depends on the conditions and terms of storage. Planting seedlings can be in the coming weeks, and maybe in a few months. Typically, plants are stored in a touch.

    If there is a little time left before landing, then they do this:

    • digging a hole in the size of the roots;
    • horizontally put a seedling on the ground roots in the pit;
    • sprinkled soil;
    • We are afraid and watered.

    If there is still a whole winter to land, then they make all the same actions, but the above-ground part of the seedling is covered with burlap, and around the pit is scattered from pests. The root system can be insulated, digging a deeper pit or falling asleep with plenty of soil.

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