Panciro-C1 in counteracting the minority tactical missiles "Griffin-A". CBP potential is still unshakable

Panciro-C1 in counteracting the minority tactical missiles
Starting a multi-purpose tactical rocket AGM-176A Block I from the inclined PU shipping modification of a multi-purpose tactical missile complex MK 60

As you know, reached the level of operational combat readiness in 2008, a multi-purpose managed tactical ammunition AGM-176A Block I "Griffin-A" was developed by the Raytheon military-industrial corporation as a relatively inexpensive high-precision small-sized air attack agent to be integrated into the amplifies of special aircraft The destination MC-130W "Dragon Spear", as well as artillery support aircraft of the AC-130W "Stinger II" family and shock-reconnaissance UAVs MQ-9 "REAPER / -ER" of the command of the US SPN and Air Force and Air Force.

A / BGM-176B low-purpose multi-purpose tactical rockets are one of the most flexible percussion instruments of NATO ATS at modern host theaters.

The high efficiency of early "Griffins" of aviation basing, demonstrated during the application of filigree accurate blows on terrorist enclaves in remote areas of Afghanistan in late 2010 - early 2011, served

The main argument

In favor of the design of the more advanced and "long-range" modifications of tactical controlled ammunition of the GRIFFIN family, equipped with single-refrigerant RDTTs with different periods of burnout of solid fuel charges, and respectively, the range of action.

The most famous of these is the multi-purpose tactical missile BGM-176B Block II "Griffin-B", which is in the ammunition of multi-purpose tactical missile systems MK 60 placed on the patrol boat of the Cyclone class. The rockets of this type are placed in quented rotary cylindrical transport and starting containers and have a range of about 5500 m at a start-up carrier (supermarital height). The main purpose of these products is

Cover of patrol ships and orders of small kug

From massive boiler attacks of the potential enemy during operations carried out in the littoral zone. Meanwhile, the Tactical Rockets BGM-176B Block II can be easily adapted to the use of ground units in weapons management systems, shock-reconnaissance helicopters and UAVs, as well as tactical aviation aircraft, which contributes to the ability to synchronize an inertial-navigation rocket system with multiplex bus information exchange MIL -Std-1760.

The most eloquent proof is the software and hardware integration of the GRIFFIN-B missiles in the Helicopters Management Helicopters Oh-58D "Kiowa Warrior". Thanks


The mass-dubble parameters (weight - 20 kg, the length of the housing is 1140 mm and the diameter - 140 mm), on the suspension nodes of each shock-reconnaissance helicopter OH-58D, two quadructural transport and starting modules with 8 tactical AGM-176B BLOCK missiles can be placed ( Not more than 200 - 220 kg along with transport and starting modules).

Against this background, an assessment of the ability of the most perfect domestic anti-aircraft missile-artillery complex is of particular relevance.


To withstand the tactical missiles "Griffin-B" and their carriers. After all, it is not difficult to assume that in the upcoming conflicts operating at the ultra-low heights of the OH-58D "Kiowa Warrior" of the Army Aviation of the US ground troops, or the drum drones "Riper", with certain operational tactical circumstances, may well join the "dive" with divisions Adversary air defense, which has an IRPK 96k6 "Pancar-C1" (KBP brainchild).

On the plain parts of the theaters of hostilities who do not have mountain ranges, hills and gorges, any attempt to apply point missile strikes on the Poles-C1 batteries with the use of tactical missiles "Griffin-B" will be fraught for the crews OH-58D "Kiowa Warrior"

full fiasco

Since when starting from a middle height of about 3500-4000 M, the range of AGM-176B will be no more than 12.5-15 km, while the range of targets intercepted by means of anti-aircraft missiles is 20 km. We observe the confident defeat of the OH-58D for 5-7.5 km before the release on the frontier of the Tactical missiles AGM-176B "Griffin-B".

And even in the case of an elevated or mountain terrain, where the crews of the OH-58D helicopters will get the opportunity to get to the positions of the Poles-C1 battery per distance of 5-7 km, hiding behind the folds of the terrain, hills and other natural obstacles in ultra-lowered mode,

talk about any dominance of army aviation of the CV USA does not have

. Starting tactical missiles AGM-176B "Griffin-B" from ultra-low heights at a distance of 5-7 km, in accordance with the "Griffin-B" missiles published on the portal from Raiteon, provides for the implementation of the ballistic or flooring trajectory In more rarefied layers of the troposphere to reduce the aerodynamic resistance and the preservation of the necessary high-speed qualities at the terminal portion of the trajectory.

As a result, on the ascending branch of the AGM-176B rocket trajectory, there will be perpendicularly oriented position relative to diagrams of radar detectors of the RPM SOC and the radar radar of the 1RS2-1e "helmet" complexes "Poles-C1". Speaking in a simpler language, they will be rotated to the radar means of the "shelter" by a lateral projection, which has the highest possible EPR of about 0.15 square meters. M. Thanks to this, equipped with passive headlights of the guidance radar "Helmet" will be able to instantly shut down, "link the tracks" and seize the Rockets "Griffin-B" for the immediate transfer of the corresponding commands to control anti-aircraft missiles-interceptors 57E6E and azimutly-tomitic delets 30-mm twisted automatic guns 2A38m Tula anti-aircraft rocket-artillery complexes.

Moreover, just a few days earlier

Pentesier-C1 SPAC, consisting of the military air defense of Syria

, confirmed the ability to counteract the enemy air attack tools with an effective scattering surface of 0.015 - 0.02 sq. m, intercepting several American planning UAB GBU-39 / B (SDB-1), which came out from the Multi-Purpose Fighters of Israel Multi-Purpose Fighters.

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