How to get rid of smell of tobacco smoke in the apartment


The aroma of cigarettes in the apartment is few people gives pleasure. And it is not so important whose merit is: neighbors on the staircase, which chose this place for their destructive habit, or someone from households cannot deny themselves in a cigarette.

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How to bring the smell of tobacco from the apartment

In any case, the tobacco has a very bright and resistant smell, which is entrusted with furniture, wall coverings and floors, in curtains and bedspreads. And it seems, the whole apartment is saturated with smoke cigarettes. How to fix the state of affairs - it is possible to allocate the following important items to combat cigarette flavors:

  • More often ventilate the room;
  • Try to isolate from the smell of the entrance;
  • Use flavors, air cleaners and air ionizers.

Each of these items will look at the following detail.

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Get rid of the source of smell from the outside

This is the most favorable option when the neighbors are noble to smoke on the balcony, and the smell falls into your apartment through the open window. Solving the problem elementary - just close the window! When smokers leave the balcony - open again, and the time to fly the particles of an unpleasant smell will quickly disappear from the apartment.

The question is somewhat more serious when the neighbors have chosen for smoking the overall staircase. It is necessary to either coexist with the closest apartments and separate the common tempor, or, compact your own door. Although, the pros in this is also available. In addition to the smell of cigarettes, you get rid of noise from the entrance, and in the apartment will be much warmer.

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If the smoker in the apartment

To eliminate the consequences of smoking, you can use air fresheners. You can purchase an automatic sprayer, or regularly splash the balloon yourself. In addition, there are plenty of natural flavors, such as citrus and coffee beans or essential oils.

Essential oils can be used as independently: drip little on curtains, upholstery and other fabric items. Or it is possible to apply for these purposes an aroma lamp, which, warming up, distributes the aroma. And you can use the usual light bulb, drunk oil on it. It also heats up and has the same effect as the lamp. Another way to use oils is to mix a few drops with sea salt to stretch in several places in the apartment.

Note! It must be borne in mind that all flavors only mask the problem, replace the cigarette smell of others - more enjoyable.
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Air cleaners

The subject is useful not only to eliminate the annoying smell, but also for humidifying air, especially during the heating of apartments. You can change the location of the unit depending on the position of the smokers. Very useful air cleaners for asthmatics and allergies.

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Ionizers of air

A very effective device for fighting not only with the smell of tobacco. I misses all the air in the apartment, and returns you already purified, leaving all impurities and pollution inside.

How to get rid of smell of tobacco smoke in the apartment 21000_6

Some ionizers do not just return clean air, but also add a pleasant fragrance to it to your choice. Not the cheapest subject, however, if you use it regularly, the result will not wait long for a long time.

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