KPI will appear in EAEU to assess the impact of business integration - Director of the ECE Department

KPI will appear in EAEU to assess the impact of business integration - Director of the ECE Department 20982_1
KPI will appear in EAEU to assess the impact of business integration - Director of the ECE Department

Since the beginning of the year, in the Eurasian Union, several initiatives were launched at once, designed to help the economies of member countries overcome the consequences of coronacrisis. Thus, the Eurasian register of industrial goods, eliminating barriers in the field of state procurement, in Armenia, Belarus and Russia there is an application "Traveling without COVID-19", facilitating the crossing of the border. So far, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on joining this program, the queue of another service is "work in the EAEU". Meanwhile, the work of the ECE for business support is not limited to such projects: its important component is the system of assessing the regulatory impact, which helps the union officials to understand how useful for the integration of the solutions they have accepted. Details of the work of the Commission for the Protection of the Eurasian Business Community in an interview with Eurasia.Expert disclosed the Director of the Entrepreneurial Development Department of ECE Galia Joldibaeva.

- Galia Tagiberdian, 2020 for entrepreneurs of the Eurasian Economic Union countries began with unprecedented negative economic phenomena. How did EEC continued to "hold a hand on the pulse" to develop solutions most relevant to protect the interests of the business community?

- The current economic situation caused by the spread of a new coronavirus infection, as any crisis phenomenon in the global economy becomes an indicator of the stability and adaptability of the created regulatory system, taking into account globalization processes. Within the framework of the Eurasian Economic Union, we have witnessed at the level of the Eurasian Economic Commission and Member States of Emergency Member States, aimed at supporting the business and minimizing the negative effects of a pandemic, both by using tools in the credit and financial and tax spheres and by introducing simplifications in a number of areas Regulatory policy.

Galia Joldabaeva.

Given the inextricable link between the "Health" of the entrepreneurial environment and the well-being of citizens, the ability to achieve a positive output scenario from the current paradigm due to the elimination of "bottlenecks" and reducing the restrictive load is directly related to how clear will be "feedback" between the business community of countries Union and regulatory authorities. In this area, the Commission provides an open dialogue, within which business can be both the initiator and the immediate participant of all stages of the development and implementation of adopted acts of a mandatory nature.

In particular, the Commission provides continuous work to eliminate obstacles in the domestic market of the Union, the basis for which serve, including the appeal of entrepreneurs on the identified facts of violation of the Union's right.

The Council of EEA's Consultative Council is functioning with the EAEU Business Council, which consolidates the position of associations of business circles of all countries of the Union. Business representatives are members of working groups and advisory committees established under the ECE collegium, which makes it possible to comprehensively develop issues in question with the entrepreneurial community. In turn, representatives of the Commission at the invitation of the business traditionally actively take part in forums, conferences, round tables, seminars and other similar events.

A direct dialogue between the Commission and the business community is also achieved through the in full-time meeting in Member States or at the Commission's site, within the framework of which current problematic issues arising from entrepreneurs are discussed.

- You called sufficiently many mechanisms of attorney advantage. Which ones are applied by the Commission most regularly and actively?

- I note that the most effective mechanism for protecting the interests of the business, implemented in the daily practice of the Commission's work, is currently the assessment of the regulatory impact (ODS) of ECE decisions. Suffice it to say that last year the hundredth, the anniversary meeting of the ODS Working Group, which is the most actively functioning advisory and advisory body of the ECE. In public discussion of projects of ECE decisions within the ORV procedure, all interested persons can be attended without any restrictions.

The demand for this procedure in the business is growing annually, as evidenced by a stable increase in the number of comments submitted to the Commission and proposals (in this year, in 2019 their growth is 80%). At the same time, the share of accounting of comments and suggestions of the business community is high enough and stably exceeds 55%, which indicates an ECE registering in its rule-making practices of the business circles of the Union countries.

The implementation of such a mechanism as ODS makes it possible to form a balanced supranational regulation in the EAEU, providing parity between the level of groundwhide measures taken for business and the functionality of the introduced regulation to protect the safety of citizens and ensuring the filling of the budgets of the members of the Union.

As a promising direction for the development of this procedure, at the initiative of the EAEU member states, work is carried out on the formation of a legal framework for assessing the regulatory impact of projects of international treaties concluded within the framework of the Union.

- Based on the practice, the ODS procedure is the analysis of the projects of the Commission decisions before entering into action, that is, at the development stage. At the same time, often the largest number of business issues is connected with valid acts. Is the Commission work in the direction of expanding such an assessment to all stages of the life cycle of supranational regulation?

- Certainly. It should be borne in mind that business, as the main addressing of regulation, has the greatest competence in the subject of law enforcement of the decisions of the Commission. The question of the need to introduce such a procedure as an assessment of the actual impact (FEV) in continuous practice at the level of the Union was approved by all Member States, which was reflected in the strategic directions of the development of Eurasian integration until 2025, approved by the Higher Eurasian Economic Council on December 11, 2020 At this stage, we began to develop a regulatory framework for the implementation of the FEV by making relevant changes to the EAEU Agreement and the Regulations of the Commission's work.

The relevance of the mechanism for assessing the impact of already existing acts on business is confirmed by the fact of the introduction of regulatory simplifications as a reaction to global economic challenges, including the situation under the year.

The adoption by the Commission decisions to mitigate compulsory rules of conduct, including in the areas of customs and tariff regulation, customs administration, technical regulation and other areas as operational measures, indicates that the comfortable functioning of the business, including during periods of economic instability, directly depends on The regulatory framework that operates in the Union. At the same time, to achieve the necessary level of transparency and the clearness of the required requirements for the entrepreneurial community is possible through continuous work to actualize them in order to eliminate the detected problems arising within the framework of law enforcement practice.

In this regard, one of the main approaches to the CIA within the framework of the EAP, in our opinion, an automatic "hit" of the Commission's solutions should be the number of objects of such an assessment in the medium term (as a rule, every three years actions affecting the ECE business solutions). This approach will allow to review the decisions of the Commission in a comprehensive format based on a comprehensive discussion with the business community. The introduction of the FEV procedure on a systematic basis can be an effective preventive measure that avoids the accumulation of the "critical mass" of inefficient and irrelevant regulation and the need for a total inventory of a large amount of currently valid acts.

- Speaking about assessing the impact of integration processes in general on business in the Union, could you tell us about the prospects for the implementation of such a mechanism into the activities of the Commission?

- It is necessary to state that for a long time in the basic strategic documents for the development of integration within the framework of the EAEU, there was no provision on the establishment of a system that allows the use of measurable indicators to comprehensively assess both the effectiveness of the Eurasian integration project as a whole and the effectiveness of ECE's activities on the development of Eurasian integration. This situation significantly reduced the "tangibility" of integration processes in the Eurasian space for the business community and the population of the Member States of the Union, as well as the possibility of an objective assessment of the pace and the results of the development of integration into the EAE and the heads of Member States and the Commission.

In this regard, the strategic directions for the development of Eurasian economic integration to 2025 in the basic documents of the EAEP integration development documents, the creation of a key indicators and indicators characterizing the real influence of the processes of Eurasian economic integration into the conditions of entrepreneurial activities are envisaged.

This will make it possible to form a methodology and implement the monitoring of business-oriented KPIs, which will be a barometer of Eurasian economic integration for business circles.

The first result of this work was the consideration at the meeting of the Board of Commission on December 22, 2020. The analytical report on international practice and national experience of the Member States on the creation and application of key indicators and indicators characterizing the impact of economic integration processes on the terms of entrepreneurial activities

- You also noted that the Commission is held direct dialogue with business through meetings. Taking into account the prevailing difficulties in organizing full-time events, is the commission of other formats of interaction with business circles are being implemented?

- In 2020, in connection with the pandemic, the format of the organization of communication with the business community on video conferencing was essential. So, last year in video conferencing, we conducted a consultative committee on entrepreneurship in the Board of the ECE and meeting with the business community.

In addition, due to the pandemic situation and in the context of the development of remote formats of interaction for the operational receipt of feedback from the entrepreneurial community in May 2020, we created the thematic page and the community (group) of the block in economics and financial policies of ECE "Freedom of business in the EAEU »In the social network Facebook. At the same time, they are created not so much as the information resources on which news and materials on the activities of the Commission will be published, how much the "rapid response" platforms, in which each business representative will be able to accommodate and discuss the issues of Eurasian integration arising from him. But the effectiveness of this initiative depends on how active the business member states will participate in this work.

In this regard, I would like to draw the attention of all representatives of the business community operating in EAEU, on the need for the most active involvement in the implementation of mechanisms aimed at ensuring effective interaction, which are implemented and implemented by the Commission.

I also note that in the traditional full-time format of the meeting with the business community are carried out by the Commission in various forms: meetings of public receptions, counseling on obstacles, business dialogue. The block in economics and financial policy since 2017, in the annual format, conducted on-site meetings with the business community in all States of the Union chaired by the board member (Minister) on the economy and financial policy of Timur Zhaksylykova [From February 5, Ruslan Becetayev was changed on this post. approx. EE]. In the current year, we look forward to returning to the active use of this tool.

First, the situation with the spread of coronavirus is gradually improved, and therefore, quarantine restrictions on trips and mass events are removed. Secondly, the need to activate the traditional full-time format of the interaction of ECE with a business in the framework of the departure meetings in each country of the Union drew attention to the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kasym-Zhomarat Kemevich Tokayev in his speech at a meeting of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council on December 11, 2020

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