Bulgaria and Greece are preparing for the tourist season. Will there be Belarusians?

Bulgaria and Greece are preparing for the tourist season. Will there be Belarusians? 20980_1
Bulgaria and Greece are preparing for the tourist season. Will there be Belarusians? 20980_2
Bulgaria and Greece are preparing for the tourist season. Will there be Belarusians? 20980_3
Bulgaria and Greece are preparing for the tourist season. Will there be Belarusians? 20980_4
Bulgaria and Greece are preparing for the tourist season. Will there be Belarusians? 20980_5

After the start of vaccination, many countries are ready to accept foreign tourists. In Europe, the overall view of the opening of the borders did not come, but countries whose economics are tied to tourism, ready to start in a new tourist season. The other day, Greece declared such plans, chason chairs and Bulgaria prepares. I learned whether Belarusians can go there and how much it costs.

Bulgaria: Starts from May, there will be "antique" rules

In Bulgaria, the tourist season is ready to start on May 1 and prepared some rules about this. For example, on the beaches there should be a social distance of 1.5 meters. Two people or members of one family are allowed in free beach zones for every 20 square meters. One umbrella can use two tourists or relatives.

Judging by the information of the Ministry of Tourism, the country will be able to visit "Cowid" and received a vaccine. In addition, it is planned to open "green corridors" with third countries.

Last year, Bulgaria began to take Belarusians from September 1, that is, in fact at the end of the season. What conditions for Belarusian tourists will now be asked at the Bulgarian Embassy in Belarus.

- Until April 30, 2021, Belarusians can enter Bulgaria with PCR test. This is enshrined by the Order of the Ministry of Health of Bulgaria. What will happen from May 1, we cannot say, there is no such information on Belarus.

- That is, for each country an individual solution?

- Yes. What conditions will be for Belarusians, we can not say yet.

Greece: opens in April, prices may grow

According to the Minister of Tourism of Greece Haris Teoharis, the restrictions will be filmed gradually since April, and the transitional stage provides for the opening of borders for travelers from the EU countries and other countries, where vaccination has already passed, such as Israel.

To enter the country, it will be necessary to provide one of the following documents: certificate in English about the negative PCR test, made no more than 72 hours before the arrival, certificate of vaccination or certificate of antibodies.

Travel agencies are still waiting for information, what conditions will act for Belarusians.

"Greece began to actively act with statements about the opening of the tourist season, so we are waiting for detailed areas of entry for Belarusians, says the director of Muzenidis Trevel branch in Minsk Valentina Biryukova.

What at prices? Most hotels have already provided the prices for the summer, the cost of a week of a person is from 400 euros. The conditions of early booking this year are favorable - the first payment is 10%, the residue can be paid a month before departure.

"At the same time, we note that prices have already been slightly higher compared to last year and most likely will grow in connection with the deferred demand for Greece from the markets of Europe and Russia.

By the way, in the case of COVID-19 Disease in Greece, all medical expenses and hospitalization pays the government of the country.

Instead of Europe: Egypt for 1,200 dollars, Maldives - from $ 2,000

In the European Union, the mass discovery of borders bind to the introduction of vaccination certificates. The document will include the date and place of vaccination, the type of vaccination, etc. So far there are no specifics, whether the new rules of residents of countries that are not included in the EU, but want to be European resorts.

- Albania, Montenegro, Turkey, Egypt, UAE have previously opened for Belarusians. Belarusians have already managed to go to Bulgaria last year, but by the end of the season. Now it is possible to predict that, in general, the prices for rest will grow due to deferred demand - last year it was difficult to go on vacation, now more areas will be available, still for the economy of many countries Tourism is critical, - says Travel House Deputy Director Yuri Surkov.

For example, in Turkey, while you can relax a week for 1,200 euros for two in a good hotel, in Bulgaria - from 600 euros, but after the end of the event of early booking, it will definitely grow up, he says.

If you want exotic, then for Belarusians from March 25, Seychelles will open, and such directions, like Maldives and Tanzania, are regularly accepted by Belarusians throughout the season. But this is not a massive direction, much will depend on the presence of more or less convenient flights, which in any case will be with a transplant.

- But in the conditions of the deficit of open areas, even such seemingly exotic directions, like Maldives and Tanzania, starting in the fall, Belarusian tourists book almost massively. The cost of the tour of the Maldives with a connection with a dock in Istanbul for two - from $ 4,000 at the rate, in Tanzania - from 2000. With regard to Egypt (we expect it to be popular and throughout the upcoming summer), the cost of rest in this country has grown , now the middle tour for 10 nights costs from $ 1,200 and higher, while not enough places, the demand is very high.

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