Ilon Mask told why some Tesla cars go beyond


If you believe the statistics, in 2020, Tesla sold nearly 500 thousand cars. In most cases, the owners are satisfied with the purchase, but some people get the defective cars. Motorists are often complaining about the presence of gaps in the body, as well as on the occurrence of creaks inside the cabin and noise in the suspension. It turns out that Tesla knows perfectly about these problems and even in the know, because of what people are getting defective cars. This became known after meeting Ilona Mask with one of the most respected Critics of Tesla products, known as Sandy Munro. In the workshop of this man almost all famous cars visited. He and his team of engineers disassemble the technique to the last screw and tell the public about all the problems found. During the interview, Ilon Mask told about the main difficulties in the production of cars and shared his opinion about how everything should look ideally.

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Ilon Mask during an interview with Sandy Munro

Car Reviews

Sandy Munro is engaged in the study of cars for 30 years. He and his team fully disassemble them and detect all the problems available. Criticism Sandy Munro is always justified, so car manufacturers sometimes searcate the technique for review to obtain an objective quality assessment. In most cases, they will find out which parts of cars can be simplified, and from which it is worth completely abandoning. Sandy Munro services stand several million dollars, but due to its assessment manufacturers can identify all the shortcomings in cars and regularly release the highest quality equipment.

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Sandy Munro during car disassembly

In the workshop of Sandy Munro there are also cars Tesla. He often criticized the company for the fact that some instances of Tesla Model 3 go on sale defective. But at the same time, sometimes he praises the manufacturer for regular improvements. For example, relatively recently he studied an instance of Tesla Model 3, which came down from the conveyor in 2021. He noted that the company began to use less welding, which should increase the strength of the car's design. Also, he has long been like seats in the Salon Tesla Model 3 - he believes they are the best in the world.

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Recently Sandy Munro praised Tesla for rare welding use

Interview with Ilon Mask

Recently, he decided to ride on the Tesla Model 3 car on the US roads and talk to the owners of the same technology. During the conversation with the owners of Tesla cars, it turned out that most of them have machines in very good condition. But the specimen on which Sandy Munro was driving, constantly creaked and was clearly defective. To find out why Tesla cars differ so much from each other, he decided to meet with an Ilona mask personally. There was no entrepreneur in the California office, but he managed to get at work in Texas. Not far from the local village of Boca-Chika is the Spacex private cosmodrome, where the STARSHIP spacecraft is assembled and its tests are held.

That conversation Sandy Munro with Ilona Mask

Communication Ilona Mask with Sandy Munro lasted only 2 hours, and only about 50 minutes of conversation fell on the video. During the conversation, the entrepreneur explained that the appearance of the defective Tesla Model 3 is associated with a sharp acceleration of the process of their assembly. In 2020, the company really accelerated the production, because of which some processes began to flow incorrectly. For example, after the painting of the body, the paint lacked 2-3 minutes for a complete drying. Because of this, the quality of painting on some instances of Tesla Model 3 was mediocre. To solve this problem, the company had to re-configure some parts of the conveyor. It turned out to be a sufficiently difficult task, because no one wanted to reduce the rate of production. Surprisingly, Sandy Munro treated it with understanding, because he knows that many plants are faced with such problems.

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During the conversation, it turned out that Tesla managed to eliminate many problems and defective cars should be less. Ideally, Ilon Mask wants the quality of the assembly of cars to be like the details of the LEGO designer. After all, all these details are perfect - otherwise, the designer could not be collected. The entrepreneur is confident that if such high quality assembly was able to achieve a toy manufacturer, it can make Tesla. In the meantime, to become the owner of a high-quality Tesla car, Ilon Mask advised to buy a car a little later than the date of his exit. Because defective cars usually appear at the very beginning of production. And when the processes are settled, no problems are detected.

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Previously poor quality coloring was noticed at Tesla Model Y

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In general, Ilona Mask's meeting with Sandy Munro passed perfectly. The main critic of the company eventually praised her for achievements. After all, Tesla is the only one of its kind, who was able to create cars from scratch. In just a few decades, the manufacturer was able to build large plants in which the most famous electrocars in the world are built. It is worth noting that Tesla has strong competitors. You can read about them by clicking on this link.

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