The benefits of aspirin for tomatoes


    Good afternoon, my reader. In case of cultivation of different varieties of tomatoes, it is important to use affordable preparations that promote the extension of the fertility period. Many gardeners recognize the effectiveness of acetylsalicylic acid. Based on the affordable and inexpensive drug, known to many as aspirin, prepare stimulating growth processes solution.

    The benefits of aspirin for tomatoes 20951_1
    The benefits of aspirin for Tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    Aspirin is used at different stages of the vegetation of the vegetation of grain crops for a specific purpose:

    • Preparation of sowing material. Pre-soaking of tomato seeds in acetylicylic acid specially prepared on the basis of acetylsalicylic acid contributes to rapid skewering. Developing shoots surprise a healthy view and strong stems.
    • Growing seedlings. Practice the use of a solution of aspirin for irrigation of the above-ground part. Such a procedure contributes to the strengthening of seedlings, the formation of viable powerful roots and healthy stems.
    • Adaptation to the conditions of open soil. Important after disembarking to provide tomato protection against phytoofluorosis - dangerous fungal infection that can destroy all plants. The spraying of them aspirin in the form of a solution serves as the prevention of this disease, which is particularly often manifested with sharp temperature fluctuations and excessive atmospheric humidity. Helps such irrigation prevent also the appearance on pest tomatoes.
    • Throughout the growing season. With the systematic performing the root feeding of tomato bushes using a solution of acetylsalicylic acid, a significant increase in yield is observed. At the same time, high-quality fruits are developing until autumn.
    • Apply the probable harm aspirin with tomato bushes may if the spraying is performed during the day with hot weather, since the remaining droplets are caused by the burning of the sunny beams of the leaf plate burns.
    The benefits of aspirin for tomatoes 20951_2
    The benefits of aspirin for Tomatoes Maria Verbilkova

    You can use several proven and efficient recipes. Prepare solutions for tomatoes depending on the purpose. The base element is the preparation of aspirin. Several options are offered:

    • Take 2 standard acetylsalicylic acid tablets. They need to be carefully confused with a wooden spoon on a faience saucer. Powder with active stirring is dissolved in 50 ml of fluid. The concentrate is then able to dissolve in the tank with 7 liters of water out. Use the composition for watering tomato bushes throughout the growing season, observing the interval of 15 days.
    • Half a pill is divorced to the state of the powder half a dissolution in 1 l of water rescued under room conditions. This solution is used to soak tomato grains for 3-4 hours immediately before sowing. It accelerates the appearance of strong viable shoots.
    • Crop aspirin tablet and dissolve the resulting powder, stirring to the disappearance of all grains, in 5 liters of water outlook. This solution is used for irrigation seedlings with an interval of 2 weeks. Such a procedure serves as preventing the appearance of pests, warns the development of diseases, heals and strengthens plants.
    • It will help the drug in organizing combating fungal microorganisms. For this purpose, 3 mounted aspirin tablets are combined with 15 g of grated alkaline soap and 10 g of drinking soda. Dissolve a mixture in 1 liter of water. Tomato landings have been irrigated by the composition for 3 weeks, observing a two-day gap between procedures. From pulse dew treatment with a similar solution, practiced every 6-7 days.

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